Luke Perry's daughter says that he was buried in a mushroom costume


Luke Perry's daughter says that he was buried in a mushroom costume Dimitrios Kambouris / Getty Images

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When Luke Perry was put to rest in Tennessee last month, he was buried in a mushroom suit, according to his daughter, Sophie Perry.

The actor's daughter "Beverly Hills 90210" revealed the detail in a post posted Friday on Instagram.

"In December, I went to San Francisco with two of my best friends – one of them never having been to California, we went to show him the redwoods. took this picture while we were there, because I thought, these mushrooms are beautiful, "wrote Perry.

The photo depicts mushrooms in the Armstrong Redwoods Nature Reserve in California.

"Now mushrooms have a whole new meaning for me, and any explanation I give will not do justice to the genius that is the mushroom burial suit, but it's basically an option to Environmentally friendly burial via mushrooms All I can say is All look at or simply googlant "mushroom burial suit" she continued.

It turns out that Luke Perry was a little environmentalist.

"My father discovered it, and was more excited by it than I've ever seen it.He was buried in this costume, one of his last vows.This is really a beautiful thing for this beautiful planet, and I want to share it with you all. " she finished her post.

So what is a burial costume with mushrooms?

The company Coeio says that its Infinity burial suit is a fully biodegradable burial garment. According to its website, the combination contains an integrated "biomix", consisting of fungi and other microorganisms that help break down the body, "neutralizes toxins" and transfers nutrients into plant life.

"The end result of being buried in the Infinity Burial Costume, or in one of Coeio's products, is that the bodies are transformed into vital nutrients that enrich the earth and promote a new life. ", reads on Coeio's website.

Luke Perry died in California on March 4, a few days after suffering a severe stroke. He was 52 years old.


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