The last theory of the last major game of Thrones, the prophecy of Cersei


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The Night King may have been the character who threw a thousand fanatical theories, but after last week, Battle of Winterfellhe and his entire army of dead are dusty with a well-placed punch from Arya Stark, and all these theories have died with him, at least until Martin publishes another book.

We are getting very close to the end of the series and there is not much time left for the long-term theories to unfold. There are very few people left, having collapsed or satisfied (Jon's parents), and the most relevant that seems to play an important role in the end here is Cersei.

Cersei Lannister and his henchmen are the only real villains left in the series, apart from some kind of last minute heel change from Daenerys or Sansa, which seems extremely unlikely at this point. And the thing about Cersei? His death has already been predicted.

When Cersei was a girl, she met a Lannisport fortune-teller, Maggy the Frog. She asks him questions and receives rather unfortunate answers. These are taken from books, I do not remember if all of these were verbatim about the show, but the important bits were:

CerseiWhen am I going to marry the prince?

Maggy: Never. You will marry the king.

Cersei: I'll be queen, though?

Maggy: Yes. Queen, you'll be … until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to lower you and take everything that is important to you.

This part of the prophecy may have already been fulfilled, since Cersei feared that it was Margaery Tyrell who was the youngest and most beautiful girl who would "abandon her". That's why she was so anti-Margaery and blew her up as well as her whole family up. And yet, it is easy to imagine that there are two other important characters who could be the "true" achievers of this prophecy, Daenerys Targaryen or Sansa Stark, and it seems likely that this part is not yet performed, even though Cersei has already suffered from a fall of thanks to the Margaery era.

Cersei: The king and I have children?

Maggy: Oh yes. Six hours and ten for him and three for you. The gold will be their crown and gold their shroud, she says. And when your tears have drowned, the valonqar will wrap his hands around your pale throat and stifle life.

This word, valonqar, has been the subject of much debate between Game of thrones Fans. It means "little brother" in Upper Valyrian, and when Cersei understood it, she was convinced that it was Tyrion who was destined to kill her, so she should try to kill him first. as she has been doing for several years now. Granted, she also thinks that he killed Joffrey (he did not) and his father (he did), so that gives him an extra reason to hate him too.

But the most common theory about this prophecy is that the "little brother" in question is Jaime Lannister, who is his twin, but it was confirmed that he was born a few moments after Cersei, which could technically make it the little brother of this prophecy. refers to. The theory is that Jaime's last bow will want him to become the "Queenslayer" as well as the Kingslayer, killing the sister he loves for the sake of the realm. Before, it might have been treason, but Cersei had already declared him a traitor because he went to help the Starks fight the dead and she hired Bronn to kill him and Tyrion. It seems … unlikely, given Bronn's affection for both of them, but the final confrontation with Cersei seems to be a sort of triangle between Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion.

Cersei is terrified by this prophecy because so much has come true. As the prophecy says, she has already lost her three children, even though most deaths are due to her thirst for power. Her childhood friend, Melara, asked the same woman what her future would be and she predicted her death. She then drowned in a well, implying that Cersei jealously killed her, and that she was the one who actually fulfilled this prophecy.

The series made a rare flashback to this prophecy, so it seems to be something that should be seriously considered as we head towards the end here. Of course, other characters have their own reasons for wanting Cersei's death. The list is therefore much longer than Jaime and Tyrion as potential killers.

Daenerys – Wants to be the queen of the kingdom, Cersei sits in her chair and is her last real obstacle to the decision.

Arya – Cersei may well be the last name of his "list", though it seems unlikely that they let Arya kill Night King. and Cersei.

Sansa "Not very likely to kill Cersei with her own hands, but she suffered more abuse at the hands of Cersei than almost everyone else.

Jon – Still have to avenge the death of his father and, in all honesty, he has not managed to kill any really major character of this time (I guess he beat Ramsay to submit, but still).

But none of these people would realize the prophecy that she would be strangled to death by her little brother, which is incredibly specific. It must be Tyrion's and Jaime's, and if that were the case, it would be a bit predictable. But nothing says that Cersei, The Mountain and Euron could come out before she meets her end.

We'll know more in the last three episodes, including tonight's, pretty soon.

Follow me & nbsp;on Twitter& nbsp;Facebook& nbsp; and & nbsp;Instagram. & nbsp; Read my new science fiction thriller novel & nbsp;Herokiller, now available in print and online. I also wrote & nbsp;The trilogy born of the earth.


The king of the night may have been the character who threw a thousand fanatical theories, but after the battle of Winterfell last week, he and his entire army of dead are dusty thanks to a well-placed stab of Arya Stark, and all those theories. died with him, at least until Martin publishes another book.

We are getting very close to the end of the series and there is not much time left for the long-term theories to unfold. There are very few people left, having collapsed or satisfied (Jon's parents), and the most relevant that seems to play an important role in the end here is Cersei.

Cersei Lannister and his henchmen are the only real villains left in the series, apart from some kind of last minute heel change from Daenerys or Sansa, which seems extremely unlikely at this point. And the thing about Cersei? His death has already been predicted.

When Cersei was a girl, she met a Lannisport fortune-teller, Maggy the Frog. She asks him questions and receives rather unfortunate answers. These are taken from books, I do not remember if all of these were verbatim about the show, but the important bits were:

CerseiWhen am I going to marry the prince?

Maggy: Never. You will marry the king.

Cersei: I'll be queen, though?

Maggy: Yes. Queen, you'll be … until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to lower you and take everything that is important to you.

This part of the prophecy may have already been fulfilled, since Cersei feared that it was Margaery Tyrell who was the youngest and most beautiful girl who would "abandon her". That's why she was so anti-Margaery and blew her up as well as her whole family up. And yet, it is easy to imagine that there are two other important characters who could be the "true" achievers of this prophecy, Daenerys Targaryen or Sansa Stark, and it seems likely that this part is not yet performed, even though Cersei has already suffered from a fall of thanks to the Margaery era.

Cersei: The king and I have children?

Maggy: Oh yes. Six hours and ten for him and three for you. The gold will be their crown and gold their shroud, she says. And when your tears have drowned, the valonqar will wrap his hands around your pale throat and stifle life.

This word, valonqar, has been the subject of much debate between Game of thrones Fans. It means "little brother" in Upper Valyrian, and when Cersei understood it, she was convinced that it was Tyrion who was destined to kill her, so she should try to kill him first. as she has been doing for several years now. Granted, she also thinks that he killed Joffrey (he did not) and his father (he did), so that gives him an extra reason to hate him too.

But the most common theory about this prophecy is that the "little brother" in question is Jaime Lannister, who is his twin, but it was confirmed that he was born a few moments after Cersei, which could technically make it the little brother of this prophecy. refers to. The theory is that Jaime's last bow will want him to become the "Queenslayer" as well as the Kingslayer, killing the sister he loves for the sake of the realm. Before, it might have been treason, but Cersei had already declared him a traitor because he went to help the Starks fight the dead and she hired Bronn to kill him and Tyrion. It seems … unlikely, given Bronn's affection for both of them, but the final confrontation with Cersei seems to be a sort of triangle between Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion.

Cersei is terrified by this prophecy because so much has come true. As the prophecy says, she has already lost her three children, even though most deaths are due to her thirst for power. Her childhood friend, Melara, asked the same woman what her future would be and she predicted her death. She then drowned in a well, implying that Cersei jealously killed her, and that she was the one who actually fulfilled this prophecy.

The series made a rare flashback to this prophecy, so it seems to be something that should be seriously considered as we head towards the end here. Of course, other characters have their own reasons for wanting Cersei's death. The list is therefore much longer than Jaime and Tyrion as potential killers.

Daenerys – Wants to be the queen of the kingdom, Cersei sits in her chair and is her last real obstacle to the decision.

Arya – Cersei may well be the last name of his "list", though it seems unlikely that they let Arya kill Night King. and Cersei.

Sansa "Not very likely to kill Cersei with her own hands, but she suffered more abuse at the hands of Cersei than almost everyone else.

Jon – Still have to avenge the death of his father and, in all honesty, he has not managed to kill any really major character of this time (I guess he beat Ramsay, but still).

But none of these people would realize the prophecy that she would be strangled to death by her little brother, which is incredibly specific. It must be Tyrion's and Jaime's, and if that were the case, it would be a bit predictable. But nothing says that Cersei, The Mountain and Euron could come out before she meets her end.

We'll know more in the last three episodes, including tonight's, pretty soon.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new sci-fi crime novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.


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