Diana Ross says the TSA made her want to cry at the New Orleans airport


After appearing on Saturday (May 4th) at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, Diana Ross announced that she was being treated "like a queen". She then went to the airport.

"Okay, on one side I'm treated like a king in New Orleans and at the airport, I've been treated like a sh **", tweeted 75-year-old early Sunday morning. "Let's be clear, not the peiple (sic) or Delta BUT TSA, was at the top !! It makes me want to cry !!!", she tweeted.

She added another tweet saying "It's not what was done but how I feel raped – I still feel his hands between my legs, in front and behind (telling me that it's his job ") WOW !! to see the good things but not feel good right now. & # 39; & # 39;

The TSA did not issue a statement on Ross's allegations, but a TSA official said she would review Ross's tweets and give an answer on Sunday.

Ross seduced the crowd with his performance on Gentilly Stage Saturday. She changed clothes nine times and sang many hits dating back to 1964.


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