Xbox describes the kind of things you can and can not say about Xbox Live with its new community standards •


Microsoft has updated its community standards for gamers and has included some examples of how and how not to behave online.

The standards – noted for the first time by the Redditors on the subreddit r / xboxone (thanks, Motherboard) – indicate the type of behavior that will be tolerated, and explain that even a single inappropriate message may result in suspension or restrictions (deletion). the ability to send messages) if it contains blasphemy, racism, threats of sexual violence or any other inappropriate language or behavior.

Repeat offenders – or if a player suffers another particularly – may result in a permanent suspension, or even see the offender "lose all licenses for games and other content, Gold membership time and the balance of his account Microsoft ".

"We understand – games can be competitive and interactions with other players can heat up", according to community standards. "A bit of trashy conversation is an expected element of competitive multiplayer action, and it's not a bad thing. But hate does not belong here, and what's wrong it's when this trashy conversation turns into harassment. "

"Even a single abusive message could hurt someone's experience," Xbox says.

"Consider these standards as a roadmap to contribute to this incredible community spanning the globe.Please remember: Xbox Live is your community.We all bring something unique, and this uniqueness is worth to be protected, "Xbox adds. "Whether you're new to the game world or playing for decades, we have to be the guardians of this place, to protect each other, even when you're competing, because when everyone is playing we all win. "

For example, instead of replicating with "the only reason you've become positive, you've spent all the camping in the game. KYS, kid," Microsoft suggests saying "the only reason you've become positive," Is that you spent all the camping in play. Try again, kid "instead. Or, if you have been beaten, do not communicate with the message "Win at a low price. [racial slur]"- Instead, try" Win cheap. Come to me when you can actually drive without leaving cars out of the way. "

According to the Xbox, we can say "it was a serious goal for the potato, we are shipwrecked" instead of "Hey [profanity]it was a serious goal of the potato. Shipwreck, trash. "

"We encourage you to show what makes you unique and awesome, but it's not cool to post something that keeps others from experiencing positive experiences," the site says. "We aspire to a community where gambling can be enjoyed by all." "Problematic content is a problem." If you're looking for a place on the Internet that's too eccentric or for people to grow, Xbox is not the best choice. place for you. "

"Community Standards for Xbox, which launched [1st May], it's easier to understand what kind of behavior is acceptable on Xbox Live and what is not, and how to positively contribute to the global community of Xbox to make it safe, welcoming and inclusive of all world, "said a spokesman for Microsoft's statement sent by email.

"Standards are not a new set of rules, but a call to action that allows each player to evaluate his behavior and adapt to it in order to become a force for the good. . "


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