Trump hires Mark Morgan, former head of Obama who supports the border wall, head of the ICE


President Trump announced Sunday that he had chosen Mark Morgan to head the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement office. Morgan, an FBI career manager who served as director of customs and border protection at the end of the Obama administration, publicly backed Trump's efforts to build a wall along the US border with Mexico.

"I am pleased to inform all those who believe in a strong, fair and solid immigration policy that Mark Morgan will join the Trump administration at the helm of our ICE workers," wrote Trump in a tweet. "Mark is a true American believer and patriot. He will do a good job!

It was not clear immediately if Trump had officially appointed Morgan to the position, which requires confirmation by the Senate.

Morgan had been forced to withdraw from CBP at the beginning of the Trump administration. But he later emerged as a supporter of the administration and said that he believed the wall was an important part of national security, saying in an interview that "the wall works".

He urged Trump to push for funding of the border wall despite opposition from lawmakers.

"I've been kidnapped. I get up and say, "I'd have some disdain for them, but I do not have them because they're right," Morgan told the Law and Crime website in January. "I can stand up and say that they are right because it is the right thing to do for this country.I beg the president to stay the course."

Last month, Trump withdrew the nomination of Ronald Vitiello, a 30-year veteran of the US Border Patrol, and then a senior ICE official, claiming that he wanted someone more difficult ".

"Ron is a good man," Trump told reporters at the time. "But we are going in a more difficult direction. We want to go in a more difficult direction. "

The president's decision on Vitiello was such a surprise that some US officials felt that the White House had made a mistake in writing.

But Trump had lost Vitiello's support following complaints from Stephen Miller, the fierce White House advisor who is leading the administration's immigration policy efforts, the Washington Post reported. l & # 39; era.


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