Will you accept Google I / O?


We are a few days away from Google's next I / O developer conference, where Google is expected to announce and formally reveal a host of things, from Pixel 3a to new TV material on Android. If history is an indicator, the company will also discuss some of its short and long-term plans for a small operating system called Android – have you ever heard of it?

I / O is sure to be on a few days, how much do you intend to watch?

The full program is available online and there will be a lot of discussions to settle other than the usual Keynote from the start of an event, at 10am. The developer's Keynote usually reveals some additional technical details that escape translation to attract general appeal. The fireside chat with Hiroshi Lockheimer on May 9th could also be fun, as could the Fireside Android chat. What's new in Google Gaming at Google will probably reveal more information about the upcoming Stadia service, but it is highly likely that we will get summaries for most of this information in the general Keynote.

Among the most esoteric and interesting events include Teaching a car to conduct oneself by imitation and imagination, Creating art with artificial intelligence: Conversations, The power to watch , with astronaut Mae Jemison, and tonne more machine learning / AI is talking.

Frankly, the calendar is a little tedious and a lot of interesting things are unfortunately overlapping. At least all major discussions will be recorded for later viewing. Last year, most of you watched the Keynote or nothing. So how much will you give for this time? (And do not worry, we'll be here to print the most important details.)

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