The London Marathon nurse's file is rejected because she was not wearing a dress


LONDON – When Jessica Anderson joined more than 40,000 runners in the 2019 London Marathon last week, she had one goal in mind: to break the Guinness world record for the fastest woman to run the marathon in a nurse's uniform.

Mrs. Anderson, a nurse from the Royal London Hospital, crossed the finish line in 3 hours 8 minutes 22 seconds, breaking the 2015 record set by Sarah Dudgeon by 32 seconds.

Record accomplished? Not so fast.

Guinness rejected the record because Ms. Anderson was not wearing a dress, she said in an interview Sunday. Anderson had run the London Marathon in blue, loose scrubs – the uniform she wore as a nurse from the National Health Service – to raise funds for her unit's charity fund.

"They said it had to be a white or blue dress, an apron and a white cap, otherwise it would not be considered a record," Ms. Anderson said in an Instagram post on Sunday. "I did not want to wear that, so I chose to wear my real uniform because the title of the record is" The fastest marathon in nurse uniform, "she added." But we were still aiming for the record time."

Ms. Anderson also On Friday, Runner's World told the website, "I'm sure Guinness World Records does not intend to shock, but it would be nice if they decided to revise their criteria instead of reinforcing the old sexist stereotypes. I understand it's supposed to be a fun thing, but their definition is so outdated. "

She also noted, "I have certainly never seen a nurse wear a dress at work."

Ms. Dudgeon, the record holder, led the 2015 London Marathon in a nurse's outfit including a Red Cross apron and cap. It is not known if she worked as a nurse.

The fact that Ms. Anderson was denied the merit of her feat because of what many considered to be an outdated sexist criterion, prompted social media users and nurses to share photos of their real uniforms on Twitter under the hashtag "What Nurses Wear".

Dozens of nurses and nurses, men and women alike, have published photographs of themselves in white, blue, dark red and purple scrubs, usually a two-piece outfit with a trousers.

Jessica Anderson crossed the finish line of the London Marathon in 3 hours 8 minutes 22 seconds.CreditEric Tolentino, via Jessica Anderson

"Nursing is about the care we provide, not the uniform we wear," Samantha Knipe said in an interview. tweet.

Scott Westwater, a nursing student, asked Could Guinness World Records "send this nurse back if she happened to be a man rather than a woman," he added, "not only do you not respect the female sex, but the profession of medicine?" nurse wonderfully open in general.

"Let's change the archaic view", published on Twitter the Student Nurse project of the online community.


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