Trump says Robert Mueller should not testify before Congress


Robert Mueller

Larry Downing | Reuters

President Donald Trump said Sunday that special advocate Robert Mueller should not testify before Congress about the findings of his inquiry into the investigation conducted in Russia.

Trump had previously stated that he would not oppose Mueller's testimony and would leave the decision to Attorney General William Barr, who stated that he had no objection to the fact that Special advocate appear before Congress.

On Sunday, David Cicillin, a Democrat in the House of Representatives, a member of the commission, told Fox News that the Judicial Commission was aiming for the special advocate to testify on May 15.

Trump later responded on Twitter, claiming that Mueller's report revealed no collusion and wondered why the Democrats needed the special advocate to testify.

"There was no crime except on the other side (unbelievably not covered by the report), and NO OBSTRUCTION Bob Mueller should not testify No repairs for Dems!" Trump said.

Mueller was increasingly urged to testify after learning that he had written to Barr a letter complaining about the four-page summary of the Attorney General's investigation of the special council, which had been sent in Congress then made public.

In his letter, Mueller stated that Barr's summary "did not fully capture the context, nature and substance of the work and conclusions of this office" and caused "public confusion over critical aspects of the results. ".

The Attorney General also declined to give notes to a phone call he had had with Mueller about the summary of the Barr investigation on Russia.


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