Will Prince William and Kate Middleton meet Donald Trump?


Queen Elizabeth II invited President Trump to the UK for a state visit. This will mark the second time that Trump travels to England to meet the Queen. The state visit should take place from June 3rd to 5th.

The queen has hosted more than 100 state visits during her tenure as monarch. Usually, guests stay at Buckingham Palace, but as it is being renovated, Trump will likely stay at Windsor Castle while in England.

Because of the controversy surrounding the current US president, will other members of the royal family even want to meet Donald? Will Donald Trump have a chance to meet Kate Middleton and Prince William? Here is what we know so far.

What's a state visit?

Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II | Pool WPA / Getty Images

As its name indicates, a state visit occurs when the Queen invites the head of state to visit her in her country. During the visit, the queen will welcome the visitor. She usually gives them shelter and takes them on tour to show them all the wonders that her country has to offer.

Since Queen Elizabeth II became queen in 1952, she has hosted 112 different state visits. Usually, she invites each year several different heads of state to visit her in her palace. However, President Trump is only the third President of the United States to be invited to a state visit.

The state visit will allow the Queen and Donald Trump to take care of some international official affairs, but it will also be a social event. The president will bring his wife, Melania, with him to visit the queen and possibly meet other members of the royal family. Many people have speculated on the members of the royal family who would attend Trump's visit.

What happens during a state visit?

With the queen playing the hostess, guests who come to a state visit usually receive royal treatment. In the past, she had come to meet the visitor in an extravagant carriage. The carriage then takes them back to Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle, where the Queen will then hold a small banquet in honor of her guest.

Once the guests have had about a day to settle, they usually have the opportunity to speak with Parliament. Many people wondered if Trump would have the same luck, knowing that John, Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons, had said in the past that he felt that Trump should never be allowed to speak to MPs. However, recently, his office said in a statement that Trump would be allowed to talk to MPs, as anyone else.

Given that Trumps' visit takes place around the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings and the Battle of Normandy, Trump should also attend a ceremony that the Royal Family organizes each year to commemorate this event.

Will President Trump have a chance to meet Kate Middleton and Prince William?


The last time a president had attended a state visit to the UK, it was during the visit of Barack and Michelle Obama in 2011. At the time, Kate was coming to marry William and they were returning home after their honeymoon. Although they were probably suffering from jet lag, the couple had made a special trip to Buckingham Palace in order to be able to talk with the Obama.

However, this time, Kate and William may not be in such a hurry to meet the 45th President of the United States. Although they have never been officially presented as individuals, William and Trump have a tough history.

When William's mother was still alive, the late Diana said that it was as if Trump was following her and that she found him scary enough. Then, only a few months after his death, he participated in the Howard Stern Show and declared that Diana was "beautiful but crazy".

He even said negative things about Kate. When Kate was photographed tanning her hat in her private home, Trump attacked Twitter for blaming Kate for allowing paparazzi to sneak in and take photographs of her absence. He said, "Kate Middleton is great – but she should not tan naked – herself to blame.

William and Kate could not avoid seeing Trump because they disagreed with political opinions; all members of the royal family are supposed to keep their political opinions for themselves. However, Trump gave them many other reasons that might make them want to avoid the president.


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