Game Of Thrones Season 8, Episode 4: Online Escape Among Major Spoilers


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It's time to get out of the internet. A few hours ago, excerpts from the episode tonight Game of thrones had a leak online, originating from a minute of video broadcast on Twitter showing a particularly crucial scene. Since then, I think the whole episode has sunk, but I try to avoid digging too much in order to avoid the spoilers myself. This description of the situation will contain no spoilers.

Episode 4 of Season 8 will be the third of four episodes in total that have leaked on the day since the beginning of the season. First, it's a cable that was accidentally put into service early two weeks ago. Amazon Prime this put the episode live in Germany a few hours earlier. Thankfully, last week's episode of last week's The Long Night did not leak to any platform early, but now we're back to another example, even though HBO did everything in its power. its power to avoid leaks, like not giving the press to all is the way the episodes always have the habit of fleeing before).

The problem with the current leak is that even if the trolls do not stick specific plot points in your throat (and they may try to try, be careful), I've seen a number of sites to work with what I would call vague spoilers. For me, this end of the game is his own kind of spoiler, and because of these headlines, I already know more than I want about the episode tonight. What I mean is that even if, for example, you say "Game of Thrones leaks and it's boring", it tells you something about what is happening or not happening during these events. The same goes for "Game of Thrones leaks and it's a total bloodbath" even if we do not give you specific names or situations. These are the kinds of things that a lot of sites do right now with descriptions of what's happening tonight, and I hate it almost as much as if it were a more specific spoiler.

I would strongly advise, simply, to simply turn off your phone and not connect to the Internet in the next few hours until 9 pm, simply because the tweet responses, through the title alerts, could enough to give valuable information, and with only a few In the remaining hours, I would not like to see anything that spoils you on arrival here.

After airing the episode tonight, I'll dig a little deeper to try to find the source of this leak and what happened exactly here, but trying to stay free of spoiler, I just do not want to investigate too much. as I have already seen too much.

God, I hope we can avoid that for the last two games, but the odds are not favorable, given what has happened throughout the season.

Follow me & nbsp;on Twitter& nbsp;Facebook& nbsp; and & nbsp;Instagram. & nbsp; Read my new science fiction thriller novel & nbsp;Herokiller, now available in print and online. I also wrote & nbsp;The trilogy born of the earth.


It's time to get out of the internet. A few hours ago, images of the episode of Game of Thrones tonight were leaked online. They come from a minute of recording broadcast on Twitter and illustrate a particularly crucial scene. Since then, I think the whole episode has sunk, but I try to avoid digging too much in order to avoid the spoilers myself. This description of the situation will contain no spoilers.

Episode 4 of Season 8 will be the third of four episodes in total that have leaked on the day since the beginning of the season. First, it is an inadvertently broadcast cable that aired early. Two weeks ago, Amazon Prime aired the episode in Germany a few hours earlier. Thankfully, last week's episode of last week's The Long Night did not leak to any platform early, but now we're back to another example, even though HBO did everything in its power. its power to avoid leaks, like not giving the press to all is the way the episodes always have the habit of fleeing before).

The problem with the current leak is that even if the trolls do not stick specific plot points in your throat (and they may try to try, be careful), I've seen a number of sites to work with what I would call vague spoilers. For me, this end of the game is his own kind of spoiler, and because of these headlines, I already know more than I want about the episode tonight. What I mean is that even if, for example, you say "Game of Thrones leaks and it's boring", it tells you something about what is happening or not happening during these events. The same goes for "Game of Thrones leaks and it's a total bloodbath" even if we do not give you specific names or situations. These are the kinds of things that a lot of sites do right now with descriptions of what's happening tonight, and I hate it almost as much as if it were a more specific spoiler.

I would strongly advise, simply, to simply turn off your phone and not connect to the Internet in the next few hours until 9 pm, simply because the tweet responses, through the title alerts, could enough to give valuable information, and with only a few In the remaining hours, I would not like to see anything that spoils you on arrival here.

After airing the episode tonight, I'll dig a little deeper to try to find the source of this leak and what happened exactly here, but trying to stay free of spoiler, I just do not want to investigate too much. as I have already seen too much.

God, I hope we can avoid that for the last two games, but the odds are not favorable, given what's going on all season.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new sci-fi crime novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.


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