Walmart hourly employees will now receive paid sick leave, while those who do not have a certain number of unexpected absences will receive bonuses. Sam Berman of Veuer has complete history.

According to a new report from the company, Walmart, the largest employer in the country, pays an average of $ 175,000 per year to its store managers in the United States.

The first environmental, social and governance report from the retailer, released Wednesday, indicates that all US workers with more than one million Walmart employees earn more than the federal minimum wage of $ 7.25, with an average salary of $ 14.26 per hour for full-time hourly workers.

The 94-page report describes the company's goals, progress, and achievements in key areas, including climate change initiatives, supply chain sustainability, and economic opportunities for employees and communities.

"We believe that it is important to manage our business in a way that generates lasting value for our customers, associates, shareholders and society in general," wrote Walmart Inc. President and Chief Executive Officer. in a letter attached to the report.

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The company released a statement Tuesday promising that all private label products are fully recyclable by 2025.

In February, Walmart introduced paid time off that employees can use when they are sick or need to miss work. For seamless attendance, employees can earn an additional 25% on their quarterly premiums.

The retail giant also expanded education options for its employees and trained approximately 450,000 employees last year under the Walmart Academy program.

"We invest in our associates through salaries with better education, benefits and training opportunities," said McMillon.

Report highlights

Here are some additional notes from the report:

  • Wages have risen by more than 50% in the last three years and the starting minimum wage is now $ 11.
  • More than 75% of the Walmart US Store Operations Management team members began as hourly employees.
  • During fiscal year 2019, more than 215,000 people were encouraged to take on more responsible jobs and increase their salaries at Walmart stores in the United States.
  • In the US, 55% of Walmart's total workforce is women and 43% of executives are women.
  • More than 50% of hourly collaborators are full time.
  • Walmart's goal is to use 50% renewable energy by 2025. Currently, 28% of Walmart's electricity needs come from renewable sources.

Follow Kelly Tyko on Twitter: @KellyTyko

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