Elon Musk's grueling work program shocks fans: "No choice, otherwise Tesla would die"


Elon Musk, a billionaire businessman, has expressed his commitment to work and even sent his employees tips to improve their productivity during the day.

"No one has ever changed the world 40 hours a week," Musk said last year, while he was hiring technology enthusiasts to apply for positions within SpaceX, Tesla, Boring Company and Neuralink. Tesla's CEO admitted "there are easier workplaces," but added, "If you like what you do, it does not give you the impression of working."


The statement made by Musk on Twitter in November 2018 surprised some fans. A handful of people argued that Musk could lose some strong employees "because of burnout," while others said that an employee's success should not be measured "in hours, but in terms of impact ".

This week, Musk once again tackled his exhausting work schedule after a Twitter account called "Uber Facts" claimed that he was working "between 80 and 90 hours a week".

"@Elon Musk is it true? asked a curious Twitter user, referring to the stated fact.

Musk confirmed that the statement was, in fact, accurate – and could even be a little moderate.

"In recent years, the hours were much longer.Do not recommend however – bad for health and happiness.But not the choice or Tesla would die.I hope to be able to reduce the number of hours to 80 hours. next year, "replied the 47-year-old.

Years ago, Musk claimed to work seven days a week, averaging more than 100 hours.

"I was, there were times when, a few weeks … I do not know, I did not count exactly, but I slept just for a few hours, I worked, I slept a few hours, I was working seven days a week, some of these days were 120 hours or something nasty, "he told Vox's podcast Recode Decode with Kara Swisher. "If you work 120 hours a week, you'll go a little further, now we're at 80 or 90. It's pretty manageable."

Running Tesla was particularly difficult for Musk. The automaker announced a $ 702 million loss in the first quarter of 2019.

"It's incredibly difficult to survive as a car manufacturer, incredibly difficult," he added.


Although Musk may be among those who choose to achieve more important goals than the happiness of people, this 47-year-old has attributed his success to working with "great people" over the years.

"A business is a group of people organized to create a product or service, and that product or service is only as good as the people in the business – and how excited they are at the thought of I would like to recognize a ton of Without them, I would have accomplished very little, I am the face of business, "he told Forbes in 2016.


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