Nick Clegg from Facebook: We know we have problems, but breaking Facebook will not solve them


Nick Clegg, Facebook vice president for international affairs and communications, told Brian Stelter, CNN Business, on Sunday "in an interview for the US television channel CNN Business." he joined the company last year.

"We need to do more," said Clegg, former British deputy prime minister, in the context of "Reliable Sources". But these problems "will not disappear suddenly, there will always be Russian trolls".

Clegg's counter comes after Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes wrote a long article last week, urging regulators to dismantle the company.

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg has "uncontrolled power" and influence "far greater than anyone else in the private sector or government," said Hughes. "Mark is a good and kind person, but I am sorry that his interest in growth has led him to sacrifice security and civility for clicks."

Since Hughes' comment, Facebook's critics have intensified. Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democratic presidential candidate, said on Twitter: "Chris Hughes is right, big tech companies have too much power."

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On Sunday, Senator Kamala Harris said, "We need to seriously take a look at Facebook's breakdown. "It's essentially a utility that has not been regulated," she said. said CNN's Jake Tapper in an interview.
There are also more and more calls in Europe to break what many have considered a monopoly on social media.
Clegg, who also wrote an editorial for the New York Times on Sunday, said Facebook needed to strengthen its data protection and privacy policies and assume a "hefty responsibility" in preventing electoral interference on its platform. But "I do not think that the total dismantling of companies is the way to deal with some of the complex issues that [Hughes] rightly stressed, "he said.

"Of course, Facebook has to do more," he said. "We are confident that we will be considerably better prepared, for example, in the 2020 US elections than we have been for 2016."

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Instead of dismantling Facebook, lawmakers and regulators around the world must work alongside the company to develop "new rules of the internet," Clegg said.

In March, Zuckerberg wrote in an editorial in which he called on regulators to play a "more active role" in setting rules for the Internet.

"It's not something that a company can do alone," Clegg said. "We are dealing with very deep ethical and political issues."


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