The family arrives, the research scaled up


Missing Maui Woman: Family Comes and Scale Research


The search for a missing woman from Maui has entered the fifth day without significant development. Those involved in the search of Amanda Eller, 35, from Ha'ikū in the Makawao Forest Reserve say that the search organized by the fire and police services has been reduced, but volunteers are hoping qualified hikers, repellers and experienced research teams can continue their efforts.

"Amanda could live for several weeks there because there is moisture and water." Even if she were to fall, she could be near a stream or a waterfall. source of water – it's a wetland, "the organizers said.

Eller's family is scheduled to speak at a press conference tonight after sunset. The family was on vacation when they learned of his passing and are arriving today to help with the research. Some friends say there is a $ 10,000 reward for any information leading to Eller's safe return.

Those who can not help on the spot are asked to help by printing and distributing flyers with Eller's photo and information.

Eller was reported missing on Thursday, May 9, 2019. She has not been seen since Wednesday, May 8, 2019 around 7:30 am Her Toyota RAV4 was found Thursday in a parking lot of the Makawao Forest Reserve. where she is known to frequent and run. Friends say that she is a physical therapist and yoga instructor and that she described Eller as being strong mentally and physically.

Wendy Osher of Maui Now gave a telephone interview to Sarah Haynes, a friend of Eller (and one of the research organizers), this morning. The interview is posted above.


Look for Amanda Eller. PC: Sarah Haynes.

Look for Amanda Eller. PC: Sarah Haynes.

Look for Amanda Eller. PC: Sarah Haynes.

Look for Amanda Eller. PC: Sarah Haynes.

Look for Amanda Eller. PC: Sarah Haynes.

Look for Amanda Eller. PC: Sarah Haynes.

Look for Amanda Eller. PC: Sarah Haynes.

Look for Amanda Eller. PC: Sarah Haynes.

Look for Amanda Eller. PC: Sarah Haynes.

Look for Amanda Eller. PC: Sarah Haynes.

Look for Amanda Eller. PC: Sarah Haynes.

Look for Amanda Eller. PC: Sarah Haynes.


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