Cleganebowl of Game of Thrones has finally arrived and it was the best



We were waiting for Cleganebowl – and we think that has been done.

Helen Sloan / HBO

Among the carnage of the last war of Game of Thronesthere was a tender moment between two brothers who absolutely hated each other. The #CleganeBowl, a fan theory that the Clegane brothers, Gregor and Sandor were going to face one day, is evoked for years. In the penultimate episode of Thrones – full of fire, blood and more fire – the two swords finally confronted.

Ladies and gentlemen, this has been done.

The deepest dark spoilers to come!

The story up here

During their youth, Gregor "The Mountain", Clegane, burned his brother Sandor's face because Sandor had taken away one of his toys. without asking. This left Sandor – later known as Hound – resembling Two-Face, with scorched skin healing his skull. It also left him a paralyzing fire phobia for the rest of his life. Later in his life, Gregor became a knight, but he was a naughty and ruthless monster. He did terrible things before Game of Thrones and that brought Sandor to really, really the hate.

In the past eight seasons, the two have taken very different paths. Gregor ended up being killed after exploding Oberyn Martell's eyes through his skull, then brought back to life by Dr. Frankenstein, Queen Cersei, Qyburn. Over the past 3 seasons, the mountain has stumbled like a zombie, a purple face and a dumb sound. On the other hand, Sandor has a wonderful relationship with Arya Stark. Brienne de Tarth is slaughtered before hanging out in the woods for a while.

All the while, Sandor's goal was revenge.

The fight

At the top of the staircase in Maegor 's Holdfast, the two brothers finally found each other while the Red Dungeon collapsed around them. The dog is looking for his brother who is escorting Cersei and Qyburn to safety and not even looking at Cersei. After The Mountain sends Qyburn with a brutal throw, Cersei … uh … just wants to get out of there.

She drags awkwardly in front of the dog, and Twitter loved it.



In the left corner: the mountain. In the right corner: The Hound.


For all the grievances that people have had in the last month Cleganebowl stands out as a true Game of Thrones moment. The story has been here for a long time. The hunting dog was thirsty for revenge since his return in season 6. And the scenes themselves were wonderfully filmed by the episode director, Miguel Sapochnik, in a red dungeon staircase.

However, The Mountain clearly had the advantage of being high, an advantage that Star Wars fans will remember is a very big key to victory. It's something I'll never forget about this episode and it seems like a lot of people were in the same boat.


Gregor has a real Darth Vader vibe.


At the end of the night, there was no real winner. The Dog had put a sword in the bowels of The Mountain and he did not back off. He placed a knife in The Mountain's skull and the zombie giant did not even blink. There was only one way to succeed: a draw.

We all won. The Cleganebowl's cinematic experience stood out in an episode of desperation. It was a duel between two equal fighters at the end of their respective worlds. More importantly, it was true to the version of The Hound series and all that he defended. We are all better to see this wonderful fight.

However, not everyone was impressed. The Bowl is considered a joke between fans of the Ice and Fire book series because Sandor in this story is either a) completely dead or b) abandoned his old violent methods (as was the case when the season of the TV show). 6) Then there is Gregor, who is as dead as dead can be and has no real desire to fight (or head, perhaps). In the world of the book, Cleganebowl is just a speculative and wild fan fiction who has become uncontrollable.

But if you ask me, Cleganebowl has kept his promise of having two giants of the raw swaying shining steel swords. It was the immutable object compared to the unstoppable force. That was Hulk Hogan against Andre the Giant at WrestleMania 3. It was Ali from Thrones against Frazier.

And that ended with a reversal of the famous Mankind match against Undertaker Hell in a Cell. This time, the dead man was thrown from the top of the cage. Cue Jim Ross screaming "god like my witness, he's broken in two !!"

What a fight.

Although the death of one of Thrones' most beloved characters hurt him, the Dog departed as we hoped. No word on the status of the mountain, however. After all, he's already dead and are we really sure the fire is killing him?

(We are almost sure.)

Originally posted on May 12
Updated May 13 at 2:43 PM PT: Clarified book Sandor Clegane & # 39; s character arc


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