Inside Epic Avengers Assemble Shot – / Movie


Meeting vigilantes

Avengers: End of the game presents dozens of moments that comic fans will talk about in the years to come, and one of the most important is at the beginning of its final battle when the portals open, that allies parade on the battlefield to counter Thanos and his army, and Captain America (Chris Evans) delivers the line that fans were waiting to hear: "Avengers … assemble."

In a recent interview, the visual effects supervisor of Weta Digital Matt Aitken I said what actors were actually on the set, and the surprising person who could not be present while filming the movie "Women of Marvel".

Avengers final charge

"Avengers Assembles" Shot

In a film with so many movie stars, I initially assumed that the only time the production had been able to bring all of its key actors together was for the long filming of Tony Stark's funeral. But when I asked Aitken how difficult it was to combine several shots to make that huge "Avengers Assemble" shot just before the start of the fight, he corrected me, "No, they're all here."

Reader, I was stunned. He said to me:

They are all there, yes. Iron Man, he was there that day, but he was not going to be in this picture originally. He was supposed to get himself back on the battlefield at the place where Thanos had left him, so we added him. And Hulk is added, obviously. But no, I think there are actually images of the flight that the actors filmed that day. It was the day everyone was there. It was an amazing day.

Here are some of the images he was referring to:

Avengers Endgame Women

Marvel Shot Women

We did a lot for End of GameThe moment of the "power of the girl". But no matter whether you thought it was an empty meditation or that you liked to see these characters share the screen together for a few seconds, there was only one actor who was not present when taking sight – and luckily it was the least essential person at the moment. Aitken explains:

The "Marvel Women" beat, when all these women gathered to support Captain Marvel, there is a shot at the start of the game where people continue to enter the frame. It's a beautiful choreography, as revealed. They were all there that day, which is an incredible day on the set in terms of the power of the acting presence.

Tom Holland, who played Peter Parker, was not there that day. He could not be there that day, and Peter Parker must challenge Captain Marvel at the start of the shot. So there was a substitute on the board for the day and we took over our Tom Holland element later.

To learn more about how this final battle has unfolded, I encourage you to read here the entirety of my conversation with Aitken.

Avengers: End of the game is in theaters now.

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