Google is about to have a lot more ads on the phones


Google today announced a set of new ad types that will begin to appear in its mobile products, including some that interrupt Google's basic search and discovery experiences.

Google's mobile searches will soon include "gallery" ads that allow advertisers to view multiple images that users can browse. You will also start to see ads in Google's discovery feed – the news feed that you'll find in many Android home screens, in the Google app and on the home page. Google mobile home – although they only appear in certain locations for the moment. .

The new ad formats are designed to make ads much more visible. In a blog post, Prabhakar Raghavan, Google Ad Manager, said that during the tests, gallery ads had resulted in "more than 25% of interactions" compared to traditional ads.

Gallery ads will only be launched on the mobile, not on the desktop. Discover ads will appear in Google's mobile app, as well as in the discovery feed of Android phones. Google tells us that the ads do not appear in the integrated discovery feed on the Mobile home page.

Image: Google

For a little more than a year, Google has been testing ad galleries in the search network. Previously, he was playing with other image-based ad formats. But now, Google says ads in galleries will become widely available "later this year," which will make them more visible.

More and more visuals have appeared on Google's mobile search page in recent years. A movie search, for example, will already display images of its poster and its main actors, as well as the photos used in the feature articles of the film. This is in addition to a few other pieces of information, such as schedules, reviews and video clips.

Of all this additional information, adding graphics to ads makes a lot of sense from Google's perspective. They will draw more attention to the content of advertisers and, since Google is paid per click, they could be particularly useful.

The discovery feed – a personalized stream of recommended news that Google posts on mobile – will also receive ads for the first time. They will appear as any other story, with an image at the top, a title and a domain with more information. But they will have a small badge indicating "ad" so that users know that it is sponsored.

These ads will also extend to YouTube, where they will be linked to the recommended videos. Discover ads will also be released later this year.


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