Republican epiphany planned after Trump's term.


Biden, dressed in a jacket without a tie, speaks to the outside.

Joe Biden in Nashua, New Hampshire on Tuesday.

Spencer Platt / Getty Images

Last week, provoked by Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, stating that she wanted to avoid impeachment, voters being able to punish Donald Trump only by electing him in 2020, I I am bitterly complaining that Democratic Party leaders will never learn that "the expectation of all minds" is an inadequate strategy to fight the ideological and procedural extremism of the modern Republican Party. For years, Democratic decision makers have avoided formal or rhetorical clashes with the goal of reaching consensus around a middle ground. In the last decade, Republicans have responded by driving with 18-wheel trucks and throwing them in a toilet. Last week (since the publication of this message), the Trump administration stopped cooperating with congressional investigations and launched its own redundant investigation and apparently retaliation for the allegedly incorrect origins of the investigation conducted by the FBI in Russia. This was done with the complicity and even encouragement of congressional Republicans. Trump also maintains a high popularity rating among GOP voters. This does not look like the profile of a party about to regain consciousness and work on bipartisan centrism.

Unless you are Joe Biden!

For comparison, here's what Biden said in 2012 on the same subject for MSNBC:

Biden seemed optimistic that both parties would work together if Obama were re-elected, arguing that "the fever will have erupted" and that lawmakers could focus more on passing laws than on politics.

"There are still strong Republican conservatives who understand what a principled compromise means and who are not immersed in ideological purity," said Biden, insisting that he knew a dozen senators Republicans and up to three dozen members of the House wishing to work with Democrats.

After the election, Biden said members would say, "Hey dude, I'm not obligated to stay with the party right anymore …" I really think you'll see a movement. Real movement. "

He was right! The was Real movement in the party … towards the nomination of the leader of the birther movement to the presidency, then a different look while a foreign intelligence service was conducting a campaign of hacking and propaganda against his Democratic opponent.

Incidentally, if you search for the phrases "Republicans" and "return to their senses" in the Nexis database, you will get good results, Pelosi hoping that Republicans would come to mind with a budget impasse in 2011 , to Obama hoping that Republicans will seize the work of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection in 2011, hope that Obama would hope that Republicans would seize a budget impasse in 2013, to an Obama spokesperson at the White House hoping that Republicans would seize the 2014 immigration, to Democratic experts predicting that voters would come to their senses without electing a candidate like Trump in 2016 , told the CIA director of Obama the hope that Republicans in the House would return to their senses to encourage Trump in 2018.

Biden said Tuesday: "I think there is a way, and what will fundamentally change things is that Donald Trump is leaving the White House. … You will see an epiphany happen at many of my Republican friends. As stated in the 2012 quote, Biden has been facing Republican intransigence and disturbance ever since. before Trump was a major figure of the party, which he said would tell him that the current president is not the only cause of his extremism. But when you bring all the members of the country together by the very force of your personality, that is the singular theme of your campaign, I guess you can not let a decade or two of history get in your way.


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