2 actions that shape the future of entertainment – The Motley Fool


At The Motley Fool, our analysts have a pretty impressive ability to detect trends well before the rest of the world. Remember Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX)? We had recommended it in 2003 – and you can say that we have had quite impressive returns since then.

Today is not different. Our team has identified a major shift in the entertainment industry and we will explain in detail how this change could simply disrupt Netflix. We will unveil two exciting new actions that have the potential to change the way we consume. Buckle your belt because the wars are just beginning and there is a huge opportunity to take advantage of this fierce competition!

Once we have informed you, our team will answer your questions – live on YouTube!

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Note: Once the broadcast is over, a transcript of the video will be added to this page.

Live Disclosure: The persons participating in the issue may own the companies discussed at the issue and the Motley Fool may have formal recommendations for or against the actions mentioned, so do not buy or sell sell nothing based on what you hear.

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