Hackers Accessed Stack Overflow Production Systems


In a brief announcement made today, Stack Overflow reports that it has been the target of an attack that resulted in hackers accessing its production systems.

The website is currently online and the few public details provided in a brief message indicate that an investigation revealed that a "level of access to production had been obtained on May 11".

Unassigned user data

It is unclear how intruders were able to access the internal Stack Overflow network, but the actions taken as a result of the discovery of the breach include the correction of all known vulnerabilities.

The incident was discovered internally and the initial assessment is that no customer or user data has been affected.

"The safety of our customers and our users is of utmost importance.After the end of our investigation cycle, we will provide more information," said Mary Ferguson, vice president of the & # 39; 39, engineering at Stack Overflow.

Stack Overflow was launched in 2008 as a website for questions and answers on programming themes. As part of the Stack Exchange Network, it has become a community of over 10 million users, in January 2019.

The knowledge platform is available in several languages ​​(English, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese and Japanese). According to the website, more than 50 million visitors access it each month, seeking to solve their problems, develop their skills or look for jobs.

It is considered a reliable source to get an accurate overview of trends in the developer community, as well as for salary information determined from the level of experience, location and location. , training and technologies.


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