Why Robert Pattinson Will Make A Great Batman – / Movie


Robert Pattinson will make a big Batman

Although nothing has been finalized yet, everything indicates that Robert Pattinson put on the cape and hood to become the next Batman. Pattinson would play the Caped Crusader in Matt ReevesS The Batman, a new start for the character not connected to Ben AffleckThe most recent incarnation. This cast is excellent and many seem to agree. But there is already a little reaction. This reaction seems to come from admirers who only know Pattinson about his role as brilliant vampire Edward Cullen in dusk franchise.

however, dusk ended many years ago, and since then, Pattinson has performed captivating performances in difficult movies.

high critical life

He is a great actor

First, forget dusk. If this franchise is everything you know about Pattinson, you miss it. After dusk, Pattinson played in a few failures (nobody remembers Remember me?), but he has also built a respectable career. In David Cronenberg CosmopolisPattinson delivers a cold, calculated performance as a young narcissistic billionaire who falls asleep slowly. The childhood of a chef Pattinson plays two very different roles, one completely silent but still haunting by its intensity. The young performer goes for the full-fledged character actor, sporting a big beard and pulling off, memorable lines in the criminal under-seen The lost city of Z. Good time Pattinson plays the role of the most successful actor of his career, playing a shoulder bag in New York during a very long and nasty night. Claire Denis's science-fiction curiosity High life Pattinson is trapped in space, the actor delivering a performance that is both hard, hard and emotionally fractured. The fact is that Robert Pattinson proved to be one of the most interesting actors of his generation, always ready to take up the challenge, always ready to expand beyond his comfort zone.

the lighthouse filming

It will bring something new and original to the party

The role of Batman is as complex as the actor allows. Batman is an extremely introverted and threatening character – and there are only so many ways to play that become boring. Michael Keaton played the inherent madness of the situation in his two Batman movies. Val Kilmer seemed to cash a salary. George Clooney had the billionaire playboy angle down, but not much else. Christian Bale kissed the loneliness of the party. Ben Affleck turns his Batman into a kind of xenophobic nut that brings back to redemption. Pattinson has the knack for playing characters both hard and damaged, but he also has a cheerful side that emerges sometimes. The closest example of the Bat so far would probably be Keaton's, and that's not a bad thing. I'm not saying that Pattinson will imitate Keaton. I say that the way the actor plays his Batman will probably be different from anything we've seen before.

It's not the one you expect – and it's exciting

In addition to having the perfect jaw for the role, Robert Pattinson is probably not the one you immediately think of Batman – and it's exciting. Because the same criteria apply to almost every good to great Batman of the past. When Michael Keaton was chosen for Tim Burton Batmanhe was best known for his comic work as Mr. Mom and Beetlejuice. The fans hesitated, fearing that Burton would do something bigger than the Adam West TV series – but that's not what happened, and Keaton ended up being a big Batman. While an actor since childhood, Christian Bale was relatively unknown to the general public when he landed the role in Christopher Nolan. Batman begins, yet he quickly became the gold standard for the role. Supporters swayed everything when Ben Affleck inherited the role of Dark Knight, but in the absence of the films in which he appeared, his performance was often referred to as the only bright spot. That said, the most important criterion for creating a memorable Batman is to find someone you will never see coming. And that's exactly what's happening here.

The Batman opens June 25, 2021.

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