Robin Arryn & # 39; Game of Thrones & # 39; talks about breast milk and the ultimate love of his fans


Robin Arryn's Game of Thrones

I go to milk, now fans love me

… Especially in the DM !!!

21/05/2019 13:19 PDT


The "Game of thrones"Actor unexpectedly get the most love after the finale is not Peter Dinklage, Emilia Clarke or even Harington Kit … it's Lino Facioliand he is blown away.

The former childhood star turned actress played in Robin TM Arryn – aka Breast Milk Boy – in the epic series of HBO, who joined us on TMZ Live Tuesday to talk about his huge hit from the latest episode . While most fans have made fun of the final plot … almost everyone loved Robin's adult version!

Lino tells us that it's crazy and surreal, even more than expected … because he actually forgot that the finale was even aired! He says he woke up on Monday morning when his phone exploded after his fans became crazy for his more mature and silly appearance for a teenager.

As the followers of "Thrones" know … Lino appeared for the first time in Season 1 as a strange boy, drinking milk directly into the breasts of his mother, while it was a pre- teenager walking and talking. He continued to be clumsy and disconcerting in subsequent seasons.

In the final, however, Robin shocked the fans by posing as the Lord of Eyrie and removing a Neville Longbottom from the "Harry Potter" franchise. Translation – he grew up and got hot.

Lino says that he is already reaping the benefits in the form of thousands of additional subscribers on social networks – he has grown from 5,000 to almost 46,000 on Instagram almost overnight.

He says that he has received a lot of offers since the final – from the point of view of his career and from a doctor's point of view – but he knows that one of his best options could be a spokesman for the benefits of breastfeeding.

Nobody will say that it was good for his body!


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