China seeks support from Asian neighbors in trade fight with the United States


China is seeking support from some of its Asian neighbors and Russia in intensifying its tariff fight with the United States.

Speaking Wednesday at a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Kyrgyzstan, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the representatives of the group of eight countries had expressed their "broad support "to China's position.

Wang reiterated China's position that she would never accept unequal trade arrangements. He added that Beijing would apply its own measures to the "extreme pressures" of the United States.

Beijing has already reacted to tariff increases of $ 250 billion worth of Chinese imports imposed by Trump by applying penalties to $ 110 billion worth of US goods. Based on last year's trade, there remains about $ 45 billion worth of imports from the United States.

This includes semiconductors and other essential inputs needed by China's emerging technology industries.


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