Huawei takes up the American legal challenge with the media in mind


At Wednesday's press conference, Huawei also argued that Huawei's growing limits on US equipment purchases in the United States were hurting US consumers. In another move, Trump issued earlier this month a decree banning US telecommunications companies from installing equipment manufactured abroad that could pose a threat to national security. The order did not mention either China or Huawei, but still operated as an effective ban on its products.

Song said the actions against Huawei were denying US carriers and consumers freedom of choice and would cause disproportionate damage to rural areas. While the major US carriers do not use Huawei equipment, the low prices of Huawei technology have made critical the fact that smaller carriers are looking to connect more distant regions of America.

While the US government pledged to put pressure on allies around the world on the dangers of using Huawei products, Huawei has repeatedly turned to the judicial system and the American press. In carefully managed and regularly scheduled interviews, Huawei's founder Ren Zhengfei said Huawei would refuse any attempt by Beijing to monitor US communications or shut down networks and that its products did not threaten US national security. .

So far, Huawei has little to show in terms of its more aggressive use of the courts and the media.

Earlier this month, the Trump administration prevented US companies from selling components and software to Huawei. This decision cuts Huawei's essential US portion of the global electronics supply chain, which represents staples such as computer chips and software, and risks causing significant damage to its business.

In an interview with Chinese reporters last week, Ren said the company was stockpiling US components to guard against such an eventuality. Nevertheless, in the longer term, industry analysts believe that it would be difficult for Huawei to maintain its current operations while being isolated from US technology.

Song said US stocks marked a worrying new pattern, demonstrating the power of the US government and its willingness to punish other countries and corporations.

"This creates a dangerous precedent," he said. "Today is telecommunications and Huawei. Tomorrow, it could be your sector, your business, your consumers. "


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