He did not "make America great" – Raw Story


According to a report Internal businessThe Chinese government said it had made its last offer on a trade deal with the United States, while ridiculing President Donald Trump for his loss of the trade war that he had begun.

"On Sunday, a senior Chinese official made a series of statements describing the Chinese government's conditions in terms of trading and pushing back the use of US pressure to impose concessions," the report begins before indicate that Deputy Minister of Commerce Wang Shouwen issued a statement. statement declaring: "During the consultations, China overcame many difficulties and proposed pragmatic solutions. However, the United States has backed down and when given an inch, they want a meter. "

The report goes on to state that a white paper submitted with Wang's comments has sharply criticized President Donald Trump for blaming his favorite phrase.

The trade war did not "restore splendor to America" ​​and rather ravaged American farmers and manufacturers, as the official document of the Chinese government claims.

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