Steve Kerr: "achievable" Kevin Durant could come back from injury after a workout | Bleacher's report


"It's feasible, but again, it's really an everyday affair," Kerr said before Game 2 of the Warriors against the Toronto Raptors. "If we had had a crystal ball, we would have known a long time ago that we were dealing with us.This is only an injury – there have been a lot of gray areas."

Durant has been absent since he suffered calf pain in the fifth game of the semifinal series of the Golden State conference against the Houston Rockets. He has not been allowed to practice yet.

Durant told ESPN Ramona Shelburne he "gets there" with regard to a return.

The Warriors won their first five games without Durant, including a sweep of the Portland Trail Blazers in the Western Conference finals, but were in dire need of him in their defeat against Toronto. Golden State had offensive difficulties in the first quarter and never really found the pace in the defensive back end leading to a loss of 118-109.

"Everyone who experiences such an injury feels alienated because their schedule is a little different," said Stephen Curry. Brian Mahoney of the Associated Press. "Most of the time, you are isolated from our sports training staff, you work overtime. Stuff begins to feel monotonous, especially with the big stage of the final here and now.

"So, I think he's handled the situation very well, knowing that his time is coming and that he's doing everything he can on a daily basis to regain his health."

Durant had played one of the best basketball of his career before losing ground, averaging 34.2 points, 5.2 rebounds and 4.9 assists per game in the first 11 games of the playoff series Warriors.


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