Integrate a real size panda, goat, or AR bear into your home with this new Google search feature


Image: E.Price

The next time you search for an animal like an alpine goat, a tiger or a lion with the help of Google Search, you may be able to take an augmented reality version of the animal into the room.

Google launched this week a new search card that allows you to import virtual animals into your space provided that you have an AR compatible phone.

To get there, all you have to do is search for the animal. In the search results, you will see a "Meet a [animal] up close "button. Tap to bring up a bear, an emperor penguin or a hedgehog in front of you, with real sound effects to complete the experience.

They do not make fun of the size of their lives either. A lion occupied most of my home office when he appeared and the giant panda on my couch left little room for anything else. When I put a bear in my street, he seemed to go for a little stroll.

Screenshot: Google / E.Price

This is obviously a bit of a novelty for adults who have probably seen these animals before, but I can see that this feature is particularly useful for explaining the size of an animal like a giant panda to a child. Of course, you can tell a child (or adult) how big or small something is, but it's nothing compared to sitting on your couch.

The feature works for a ton of animals, including giant pandas, lions, hedgehogs from Europe, fish fishers, alpine goats and sharks.

Originally, Google announced the AR feature of Google I / O last month. Animals are the first thing to come forward, but at the time he was declaring that he was also working with NASA, Volvo, Samsung, New Balance, Target, Wayfair and other companies to bring search AR elements, so it's probably not the last one. application of the feature we will see.


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