Miley Cyrus slams Troll on Instagram who criticized her statement that abortion is a health issue


Miley Cyrus is not the type to have fun, especially when it comes to her point of view on abortion.

The 26-year-old singer went to Instagram on Tuesday to announce a "very special collaboration" with Planned Parenthood, her Happy Hippie Foundation and fashion designer Marc Jacobs. Using hashtags #WomensRightsAreHumanRights and # DONTF – KWITHMYFR[EEDOM]she posted a picture of herself licking a cake whose icing was clear: "The abortion is a health problem."

Although the photo received more than 3 million "likes" and thousands of posts supporting Miley's point of view on the much-debated topic, she was also inundated with comments condemning this message – and one type was hit hard by the responses of his dissidents.

"So selfish!" The Instagram user commented. "Killing people, that's health care? Maybe for you, women, but tearing hands and legs to an unborn baby is not really health care for a baby. Start being responsible for others. "

Miley applauded in return, "Oh, that's right, you only jerk off during your Xbox Live with a 14 year old group [whose] the brains are about as developed as yours. "

On Wednesday, Miley and Marc Jacobs announced that they had teamed up to create a hoodie "Do it with my freedom" in the name of reproductive rights.

The last few weeks have been marked by a series of abortion bans in the United States, restrictions that directly threaten reproductive rights long preserved by Roe Wade.

Celebrities and members of the fashion community have expressed outrage over social media, but Marc Jacobs has taken another step in announcing his first collaboration with a charity: a partnership with the pop star's foundation , the Hip Hop, whose benefits will go to planning.

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