Here's the impressive amount of money that Google, Amazon and Facebook have thrown on DC lobbyists in 2018


Chris White | Reporter of energy

Google, Amazon and Facebook have released a record sum in Washington, DC, a year before congressional Democrats announce a massive antitrust investigation into the Silicon Valley giants.

In 2018, they invested $ 48 million in lobbying, or 13% more than in 2017, according to information provided by the government in January. House Democrats announced Monday a survey on Google and Facebook's business practices, nearly a year after corporate contributions.

Google was the biggest investor in 2018, bringing its lobbying contributions of 18% to $ 21.2 million. Facebook's spending rose nearly 10 percent to $ 12.6 million. The three companies devoted most of their lobbying activities to internal lobbying teams. According to the data, efforts have mainly focused on market and data regulation issues.

Neither Facebook, nor Amazon, nor Google responded to The Daily Caller News Foundation's request for comment regarding the Democratic Party's possible investigation. (RELATED: Trump MJ prepares anti-trust investigation of Google's business practices: report)

The House's investigation comes several days after a Wall Street Journal report said the Justice Department was preparing an antitrust investigation against Google's search engine and business model. This would be the first such investigation since the Federal Trade Commission conducted a Google survey but closed it in 2013 without taking any action.

A woman hovers over the logos of Google and the European Union in Sarajevo. REUTERS / Dado Ruvic

Some of the fiercest critics of Google believe that all this money will probably be profitable at some point. "Launch a rock in any direction in Washington, DC, and you may run into someone on Google's payroll," Politico said on Tuesday. Luther Lowe, vice president of public policy from Yelp. "Without a doubt, they will mobilize these individuals now."

According to the media, Google has invested most of its time in the FTC, an agency that closed a survey on the silicon giant in 2013. The decision of the Ministry of Justice to take the lead in any probe throws a potential ball in curve to society. The FTC can lay charges, but the GM may report criminal charges.

Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives and Liberals have meanwhile grown to Google, Amazon, Facebook and the rest of the technology sector.

"It's a very big news and long overdue," said Sen. Josh Hawley. noted in a tweet of May 31 respond to the reports that the GM is targeting major technologies. Missouri Republican is a harsh critic of Silicon Valley, noting in a recent May 22 speech that the world would be better off if monstrous social media companies did not exist. His fellow Democrats are also at the rendezvous.

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts issued a plan in March to split the three big companies. His proposal would impose new rules on technology companies generating annual advertising revenue of $ 25 billion or more, forcing Amazon and Google to dramatically reduce their hold on online commerce. Some legal analysts believe that an investigation could go quickly.

Silicon Valley antitrust attorney Gary Reback, who spearheaded the government's antitrust case against Microsoft, appears to deny the view that Google's lobbying force will win.

"I'm driving companies to Washington where they've been complaining about Google for a long time and where politicians have blocked it once, but blockers are no longer there," Reback told reporters on June 3rd. find out if it's the Trump administration that triggered it exactly, but that's maybe what broke the dam. "

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