The nice collection for PC costs two hundred dollars


$ 6 for BL2, The Pre-Sequel and their DLC, it sounds pretty good

If you are looking to overload yourself on the Borderlands series in 2019, the time has come to buy. PC and Mac version of Borderlands: The beautiful collection is only $ 6.02 on Steam.

Even if you own Borderlands 2 and or Borderlands: The pre-suiteit's a good opportunity to stock up on downloadable content and many character skins for these games. Example: The Steam package's non-sales price is $ 229.48. This rate is not intended for real human beings, obviously, but the contract itself is attractive.

Captain Scarlett, Son of Crawmerax, Sir Hammerlock's big game hunt The list is lengthened increasingly. Even considering the cosmetic packs, I had forgotten how much Things there is for Borderlands.

You have probably already seen, but you can also grab The beautiful collection for PS4 with a PlayStation Plus account. This promotion will run throughout the month of June, while the Steam affair will run until June 17th.

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