Nancy Pelosi wants Donald Trump "in prison:" report


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she would like to see President Trump "in jail" at a litigious meeting with senior Democratic officials on the opportunity to "get rid of it." initiate impeachment proceedings, a report said.

Pelosi was in discussion with House Judiciary President Jerry Nadler during the meeting with Dems when the two men quarreled over the opportunity to allow Nadler's committee to open an investigation. dismissal, according to Politico.

"I do not want to see him charged, I want to see him in jail," Pelosi said, according to the newspaper.

A spokeswoman for Pelosi told The Post that the president and president "have had a productive meeting on the status of the Mueller report."

"They agreed to keep all the options on the table and to continue to adopt a bold auditory and legislative strategy, as early as next week, to tackle the President's corruption and the abuse of power in the recent past. report, "said spokeswoman Ashley Etienne, said.

Nadler has expressed his intention to start and investigate whether Trump's conduct warrants an impeachment proceeding.

"Frankly, we're investigating all the things we're going to investigate as part of an impeachment investigation," Nadler told CNN on Tuesday.

Nadler, however, paused when asked if he and Pelosi were "on the same page".


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