Texas Governor Passes Domestic Violence Bill Due to Unreleased Amendment


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (V) vetoed a widely-supported domestic violence bill on Wednesday due to an amendment related to the disposal of radioactive waste, Texas reported Tribune.

Abbott called the measure, Senate Bill 1804, a "commendable effort" that lost its support when "someone slipped into an inconsiderate gift to a radioactive waste storage facility."

"Unfortunately, the good idea of ​​the author of the domestic violence law was tainted by a bad idea about radioactive waste," wrote Abbott in his veto statement, published in Tribune.

The bill, introduced by Senator Lois Kolkhorst (R), would require information on bail bonds for domestic violence offenders to be recorded in a data repository at the federal level. ;State.

An amendment concerning a nuclear waste storage facility has been added to the extent by the state representative, Poncho Nevárez (D), one of its sponsors in the House.

Nevárez told lawmakers that the amendment added "competitive economic incentives" to the bill, according to the Tribune.

The amendment would have delayed the increase in the surtax and the public levy paid by the private operator of a West Texas waste disposal facility.

Kolkhorst suggested that the change of the lower house was irrelevant to the intent of the bill and intervened "very late in the legislative process" in a statement obtained by the Tribune.

"I know the law enforcement agencies will do their best to protect families, even without this bill, but my office will continue to defend the protection of thousands of families against domestic abusers," he said. she declared.


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