Blizzard cancels new game in development for two years [Update]


Blizzard Entertainment has canceled a new game in development for at least two years. Developer David Gibson, who was Senior Host at Overwatch, started working on a mysterious Blizzard project not announced in July 2017, according to his LinkedIn page. He worked on the game for about two years before announcing his departure from Blizzard this week, revealing that the game had been canned.

Reports have now suggested that it was a StarCraft shooter – for more information about this below – but whatever the case, this does not happen more. "Unfortunately, you will never see what we've done in the last two years – it's [game development]" he said on Twitter.

Game development is a very iterative and fluid process. It is not uncommon for projects to be canceled during development for a variety of reasons. Gibson did not explain in detail why this project was apparently set aside or if his departure from Blizzard was tied.

[[[[Update: A new report from Kotaku suggests that the canceled game was a first-person shooter from Starcraft. According to the website, the move was made so that Blizzard could focus its efforts on Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2. The studio also shared a statement in which it would appear to confirm the cancellation evoking its general approach to game development. You can read it at the bottom of this article]

According to Blizzard's executive producer, Allen Adham, about 50% of Blizzard's games are canceled before their release. "In reality, behind the curtain, it's a horror show." But most people outside of Blizzard do not realize that about half of our headlines do not see the light of day ", he told Game Informer. "So, people who think we are a coherent company, we are only so far as we only publish really incredible games."

GameSpot has contacted Blizzard to try to get more details. his answer can be read below.

Gibson did not say he had been let go or was leaving voluntarily. Whatever it is, Gibson says that he has already lined up a new gig.

Blizzard's new president, J. Allen Brack, said Blizzard currently had more projects under development than ever before in the company's history. It seems like he has one less now. Recently, Brack said that Blizzard may be working on some kind of spin off or on at Overwatch.

If Blizzard has new plans to announce, this could happen during the November 2019 BlizzCon event. Check back regularly on GameSpot.

Blizzard declaration

"We do not usually comment on non-advertised projects, but we will say the following:

We always have people working on different ideas behind the scenes – including several projects at the moment – but the reason we tend not to talk about it publicly is that anything can happen during development. As has been the case at Blizzard many times in the past, it is still possible that we make the decision not to move forward on a given project. Announcing something before thinking it's ready can create a lot of frustration and disappointment for both our players and ourselves, not to mention the distraction and added pressure on our development teams.

We invest our heart and soul in this work and, as players, we know how exciting it can be to see and know for sure that a new project is coming. Knowing that changes or disappointments can happen is no less painful when we have to put a project on hold or an announcement does not go as planned. We always make decisions about it, regardless of the end result or how things might be interpreted, based on our values, what we think makes sense to Blizzard, and what we hope our players will appreciate. most. The work associated with these projects – whether they are delivered or not – is extremely valuable. This often leads to great things and helps foster an experimental culture here.

That said, we can not wait to reveal other topics we are working on in a timely manner. "


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