E3 2019: Keanu Reeves is really part of the history of Cyberpunk 2077


Since Microsoft's press conference on E3 2019, we've stopped thinking about Keanu Reeves. The Reeves-surgence is in full swing thanks to John Wick (and his excellent appearance in Netflix's Always Be My Maybe), and now the CD Projekt Red has had the imagination to include it in Cyberpunk 2077. The Trailer We did not know how important the character of Reeves would be in the game.

At a behind-the-scenes presentation at E3 2019, we watched nearly an hour of Cyberpunk 2077 footage, which clearly indicates that Reeves has very great role in the history of the game. He plays Johnny Silverhand, a major character in the Cyberpunk 2020 universe (the table game on which rests 2077). In the demo we saw, Johnny appears in the form of a hologram that seems to be in the head of your character and that serves as a guide in key moments.

"This is a main character in the game," said GameSpot Pawel Sasko, lead designer of Quests. "He is the leading man of the samurai group … The samurai group is that of [Cyberpunk] 2020, from the original sourcebook. He was an extremely charismatic guy, very alive, who loves life and holds his gun in his hand. Extremely bad things happened in 2020. "

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It's less weird than it sounds; your character, V, has a biochip embedded in their brain, and that's apparently where Johnny resides. He was killed in the Firestorm Cyberpunk 2020 source book but exists on the chip as a "digital ghost," Sasko said.

"It ends up being a digital ghost, and your whole relationship starts with it, and it's really complex," Sasko said. "You can develop it throughout the game. So, it's absolutely throughout the game, from start to finish."

Because it's in your brain, Johnny will remain for an important part of the game and your relationship with him is an important part of the story. It's a lot more than Keanu Reeves than we expected at first, and that seems like a very good thing.

"You can develop [your relationship with Johnny] I would say Sasko. One thing I could add is that it's not entirely true that this is a really important part of the game. It's really nice. He has his own agenda. Things are happening between you and you may not always appreciate what's going on. I think it's something we could point out here. There is this game between [Johnny and V]. This game, I would call fight, push slowly, one push the other, see where are the limits. "

The release date of Cyberpunk 2077 is now set for April 16, 2020. Do not miss the news of Cyberpunk as E3 progresses, including how the team has involved Keanu Reeves in first place .

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