25 years after O.J. Simpson's Chase, LA still obsessed with police lawsuits


the O.J. Hunting is sometimes described as the beginning of the city's obsession with car chases. The Twitter feed @ChaseAlert, which alerts high-speed lawsuits in Los Angeles, recently wrote, "Happy 25th anniversary of the dawn of the car chase!"

But Los Angeles magazine traced the first police chase to local news in 1992, when a television channel interrupted the replay of the legal drama "Matlock" to show police the pursuit of a red Volkswagen driven by a murderer.

"The prosecution of the police has found its audience," according to the article. "Over the next decade, the pursuit by car – at high speed, low speed, or, when a tire has punctured and the fugitive has sparks and stupidity, virtually no speed – would become another symbol particular of the city, a "Only in LA"

Geoffrey Alpert, professor of criminology at the University of South Carolina and author of a book on police lawsuits, compared the fascination of the public with that of NASCAR. "Thousands of people in a stadium are waiting for an accident," he said. "It's the fascination."

But Professor Alpert held the O.J. Simpson slightly different from the public obsession with highway lawsuits.

"The O.J. pursuit was a slow-speed pursuit," he said. "It was not your typical high-speed, risky pursuit. It was a celebrity problem. "

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