The production of the Volkswagen Beetle officially ends – TechCrunch


The Volkswagen Beetle sinks, after its comeback and restyle in 2011 (before the earlier rebirth of 1997 – the one with the integrated flower vase). The latest generation of Ladybirds is already out of the production line and will be on display at the Volkswagen Museum in Puebla, near the factory that produced it.

The new 2011 Beetle design by Volkswagen eliminated much of the hippie appeal of the 1998 New Beetle, though it still retains many of its curves and its vaguely insect-like look that earned it its name. . The American series of the original Beetle ended in 1979, it took almost 20 years for it to have its second life – and it is 21 years since the two revised versions are on sale.

Last year, VW announced its intention to stop the production of the car in 2019, so as not to surprise anyone. The jury has not yet revealed its decision. VW did not rule out the possibility of this event when it announced the end of the line, but did not make any commitment either. At the same time, the manufacturer is also refocusing its efforts on its new electric vehicle platform, which will serve as the basis for its ID program. line of vehicles.

Today's day has been devoted to strange things that have nevertheless attracted the attention of fans. Goodbye, little beetle.


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