All we know about Stranger Things season 4


Strange things season 3 has arrived, and if you are almost 20 million other Netflix subscribers, you have probably fooled all eight episodes and are ready to receive more.

While Strange things 3 left us a lot of questions, we have a net of information for the next season. To help you miss a little less Upside Down, residents of Hawkins and the Scoop troop, we have gathered all the information we have on Strange things season 4, and what might the show look like after the season 3 finale.

[[[[Ed. Note: Major spoilers for Strange things 3 below.]

Season 4 has no official release date … for the moment

Netflix has not been officially renewed Strange things for another season, but the odds look pretty good. According to Netflix, the third season of the series was the first four-day most popular streaming service.

In addition, producer Shawn Levy and creators Matt and Ross Duffer talked about the fourth season of the series. But, until Netflix announces Season 4, nothing is official.

The Duffer brothers said Season 4 would probably be the last

In an interview with New York Magazine in 2017, the Duffers said, "We think it will be four seasons and then going out." But since then, Levy and the Duffers have told Entertainment Weekly that it was possible season 5, but expect nothing afterward. So, from what these three people say, it seems that if season 4 is not the last, there will be only one more trip to Hawkins after.

A man stands in a 1980s Soviet uniform in front of a shiny background with a machine on the left side. His expression is affectionate.


Hopper is alive (or American), at least according to David Harbor

In the last moments of Strange things Season 3, the characters cried Hopper's loss and a post-credit teased a mysterious American locked in a Russian prison. Most fans have assumed that the actors and the team of Netflix and Stranger Things would keep the meaning of those moments very close to the chest. Then something strange happened: in an interview with SlashFilm, David Harbor seems to have confirmed that Hopper is the American locked up in the Russian prison.

"I immediately asked: is Hopper behind the door? According to Harbor, this is the most likely scenario. Throughout the season, the main Russian villain refers to Hopper as "the American," and the fact that another Russian refers to the mysterious prisoner in the same way was the big gift, "he says. in the story of SlashFilm.

It is unclear exactly what this could mean for the series. If Hopper is really alive, the next season of the series might involve something as extravagant as a Russian rescue, or could even see Hop coming back as a villain with brainwashing. It could be a tool of Upside Down, Russia or both. The only thing we are sure of is that if Hopper is behind that door, he will be back for Season 4.

A woman stands in a doorway, looking forward to the camera.


The Byers and Eleven left Hawkins

The end of Strange things 3 brought some major family rearrangements. After the "death" of Hopper, Joyce adopts Eleven in the lap of Byers. We had already signaled to the family to leave earlier in the season after learning that Joyce had put his house on the market. However, in episode eight, she hinted that she would consider staying, especially in light of her romantic relationship with Hopper.

Given his passing and the danger that the family can not seem to shake, Joyce made the decision to pack and leave Hawkins. This led to tearful goodbyes between Jonathan and Nancy, Mike and Eleven, and Will and his friends. This has also fundamentally changed the way the show works for the coming seasons: even in the midst of international ploys and espionage of the Cold War, Hawkins, Indiana has remained the center of the universe.

With Byers and Eleven, the key character in the whole series, out of Hawkins, you'll have to fight in season 4. However, the season 3 post-credits have been a snap to the conspiracy of 39 Upside Down – this may be a natural move to expand the reach of Strange things out of Hawkins too.

A demogorgon emerges in a cell in Russia.


Russians have a Demogorgon

The post-credit sequence of Strange things 3 revealed that not only are Russians in possession of an American prisoner, but that they also own a Demogorgon pet that they feed with prisoners.

It is still unclear where the Demogorgon came from, although it is possible that he managed to sneak in one of the first failed experiences of the Russians before moving to Hawkins. It's also possible (but perhaps less likely) that it's the same Demogorgon as Eleven defeated in Season 1: while Eleven seemed to have completely disintegrated the monster, she had also managed to survive the encounter. Demogorgon is less and less likely to be a seasoned Demodog of season 2 – however, all these seemed to break down once their connection with Mind Flayer was cut off.

At the very least, the possession by the Russians of a Demogorgon, in addition to their militaristic efforts to break through, implies that they intend to turn the creatures into weapons. A demogorgon has the ability to terrorize a small American town, but its threat may not be as serious worldwide. Whatever the intended use, a Russian Demogorgon means that the series has become global, regardless of the form that occurs in Season 4.

A young man and a woman stand in front of a counter. The man smiles widely, the woman is eager to watch.


Steve and Robin now work at Family Video

Steve and Robin spent the vast majority of Strange things 3 in clumsy sailor uniforms. Now they give up their job at Scoops Ahoy (because, uh, the whole mall is now grilled) and are trying to get another gig. In one of the most fun sequences after the Starcourt battle, the two candidates apply for a job in a family video. Keith, formerly of The Hawkins Palace's local arcade, interviews them by asking their three best movies. Steve manages to spit Pet Shop, Star wars (accompanied by some hilarious Ewok noises), and Back to the future. Keith rejects him, but after being persuaded by Robin, they are both hired.

Between Steve's awkward attitude and Robin's arid sense of humor, the dynamic duo was easily a highlight of the third season. The sailor uniforms in which they spent the season were also a highlight: Joe Keery, who plays Steve, told Entertainment Weekly[the suit] is really perfect for the character. It's such a good grounding tool. You know? You could not ask for something more perfect. Although Scoops Ahoy's vein of humor is not spreading in Season 4, we hope that Steve and Robin's chemistry will do so.


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