FCC to Introduce New Simplified Licensing Regulations for Small Businesses


WASHINGTON – The US Federal Communications Commission will release this week the draft text of the new regulation to streamline licensing procedures for small satellites.

The president of the FCC, Ajit Pai, said at an event organized by the US Chamber of Commerce that the regulations will make licensing small satellites cheaper and faster in order to better match the cost and pace at which small business operators often operate.

"If operators wish to launch satellites with certain characteristics, such as reduced orbital lifetimes, they will no longer have to comply with the longer and more expensive approval processes required for larger missions", said Pai on July 9. why a shoebox-sized satellite, with the life expectancy of a guinea pig, should be regulated in the same way as a school bus-sized spacecraft that will remain in orbit for centuries. "

Pai stated that the simplified regulation, as proposed, would apply to satellites of 180 kilograms or less. The maximum rated life of the affected satellites is six years or less, and they will also have the ability to desorb "quickly" if they lose contact with ground control, he said.

A draft regulation will be released Thursday, said Pai. He encouraged the satellite industry to give the FCC its comments on the project.

Pai said the FCC would rule on the draft regulation on Aug. 1 with the goal of ensuring that US regulations keep pace with the development of the space industry. The project represents an "entirely new regulatory process designed for small businesses," he said.

Industry representatives praised the president's efforts to streamline regulation for the small business sector.

Steve Nixon, president of SmallSat Alliance, said the industry would benefit from correcting what he called "discrepancies" in FCC satellite license costs.

"At the present time, if you want to apply for an FCC application for a geosynchronous bird – which could represent an asset of half a billion dollars -, the file fees rise to 130,000. $, "Said Nixon. "If you want to do something in [low Earth orbit] with a small satellite, the application fee for this project is currently around $ 450,000 – and this satellite could only cost a lot, so there is a small difference.

In a statement, Tom Stroup, president of the Satellite Industry Association, also commented positively on the draft regulation.

"We are looking forward to seeing the text of the new order and working with the President and his team at the Commission to help ensure the continuation of US innovation and leadership in the commercial satellite and telecommunications industries. Space, "he said.

Pai added that the speed with which small satellites can be built and launched increases the importance of having appropriate regulations.

"That's why we're committed to streamlining our regulatory processes and ensuring flexible rules that can adapt to new technologies, such as these huge new-generation constellations," he said.

He indicated that the regulatory proposal would not affect large broadband constellations like those of SpaceX and OneWeb (with 227 kg each, SpaceX's Starlink satellites are too big to benefit from the new regulation, although Pai did not explain in detail why large broadband constellations in general were excluded).

Pai added that the FCC also wanted to move quickly for broadband constellations and was evaluating the Boeing and Amazon constellation proposals.


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