Hannah Williams Killing: A family asks for answers after a 17-year-old girl is fatally injured by an officer on a highway


Prosecutors say investigators have found a replica handgun designed to look like a Beretta pistol alongside a 17-year-old girl, after being shot by a Fullerton officer Friday on a highway in Southern California . The Orange County Attorney's Office stated that the uniformed police officer drove his police van on Highway 91 in Anaheim around 7:00 pm on his way to take his K-9 for medical procedure. while he had met a woman driving speed very quickly.

CBS Los Angeles reports that the shooting occurred after the contact of the two vehicles. The teenager was taken to a hospital where she died later, prosecutors said.

The family identified the victim as Hannah Linn Williams, a resident of Anaheim. At a press conference Tuesday, Williams' family said they did not receive any information about the circumstances of the shooting, which occurred about 26 km southeast of Los Angeles.

Williams' patron, Lynette Campbell, reading a statement, said the family was "more than devastated" by her death. She said Williams worked as a bathing supervisor, volunteered at community health shows and was dedicated to public service.

"It's hard to lose Hannah – the circumstances in which we lost her made things even more difficult," said Campbell. "To date, we have no clear answers about what happened to Hannah."

A spokesman for the Orange County Attorney's Office said that he was investigating the actions of Officer Fullerton and that the circumstances of the shooting were part of the investigation. On Tuesday, the office released a photo of the replica weapon found on the scene, photographed next to a Beretta 92 FS handgun. The replica of the weapon seemed identical to the Beretta.

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Orange County Attorney's Office

Campbell said the information the family had received from the police had changed several times and Williams' uncle said the police had not responded to family calls. The family, along with human rights officials, have called on California's governor, Gavin Newsom, to ask the state attorney general to conduct an investigation into human rights . Reverend Jarrett Maupin of the National Action Network said that his group and the NAACP were among the advocates of justice for Williams, whose mother, he says, was Hispanic and whose father was African-American.

Maupin, who acts as spokesperson for the family, said in a statement that the family had "doubts" about police compliance with the policy. He asked that the officer be suspended without pay during the investigation.

The Fullerton Police Department is conducting a separate internal investigation to determine if his police officer has violated the policy. A spokesman for the Fullerton Police Department did not respond to a request for comment from CBS News nor to a question about the status of the agent in relation to the department.

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Williams family via CBS L.A.

In addition, the Anaheim Police Department is conducting a third investigation into possible criminal actions by Williams, Sgt. Daron Wyatt, a spokeswoman for the Anaheim police, told CBS News in an email.

Wyatt said that there would be no lawsuits since Williams was dead, but he could not speak of any of the crimes that she could have been suspected of having committed, as they are "integral" to the examination of shots involving an officer led by the District Attorney's Office. .

Wyatt said the family had been referred to the district attorney's office for more information, the latter investigating the officer's actions. He added that members of the Anaheim homicide group and members of the District Attorney Investigation Team had met the family early Saturday morning.

Campbell, Williams's godmother, said the family had received a "knock on the door" from the authorities, but that she had only heard that there had been an incident and a fatality .

Speaking Tuesday with the family, Mr. Maupin said the family did not know who owned the pistol replica. He said that Williams was driving a rental car and had several siblings, but it was unclear whether it implied that they were getting in the car with her.

"We maintain that she was not armed," Maupin said. "A fake gun is a fake gun."

The video of the scene immediately after the shooting shows detectives examining a U-Haul truck on the edge of a road, reports CBS Los Angeles.

Maupin added that the family had not learned how many times Williams had been hit or hit by bullets. He added that the family was waiting to receive the remains on Tuesday and that she would conduct an independent forensic examination.


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