Beto O 'Rourke: I'm afraid Trump is driving the global economy into recession | Video


In an interview with "Meet the Press" on Sunday, the presidential candidate, Beto O 'Rourke, warned that the trade war between President Trump and China was hurting Americans and was likely to drive the US. global economy to recession.

BETO O 'ROURKE: The present trade war in which the president has entered our country does not work. It is hard on farmers across the country who do not want bailouts or winnings. They simply want to be able to make a profit on their growth and to have the markets they have worked all their lives to create.

The American consumer understands that these tariffs are a tax on them, one of the largest tax increases for the middle class in the history of this country. And so, yes, we must hold China accountable. But when have we ever entered a war, a military war or a trade war, without allies, friends and partners?

Let's make sure to bring our friends from the European Union, Canada and Mexico, among others, and a united front against China, to make sure that they respect the rules of the road, that they respect our economy, our farmers, and our workers. This is the best way to reach a conclusion that benefits our economy and ensures the stability of our global economy. Because I fear that this president will lead the global economy and our economy into recession.


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