What you need to know about California's new law on the use of force



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On Monday, Governor Gavin Newsom enacted the law as one of the country's most stringent standards for the use of lethal force by the police, ending years of often tense discussions and providing bitterly soft relief to the police. families of the victims.

"The bill goes to the heart of some of our most sacred principles, according to which force should be exercised wisely, with respect for human life and dignity, "said the governor in a statement.

[Ensavoirplussurcomment[Readmoreabouthow[Ensavoirplussurcomment[Readmoreabouthowthe fight to know how to control the police developed, and how a high-level shooting added urgency.]

Jill Cowan grew up in Orange County and graduated from the University of California. Berkeley and reported throughout the state, including the Bay Area, Bakersfield and Los Angeles – but she still wants to see more. Follow it here or on Twitter, @ Jillcowan.

California Today is edited by Julie Bloom, who grew up in Los Angeles and graduated from the University of California. Berkeley.


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