Finding Pennywise the Clown in Your Garden Is Serious Business / Boing Boing


There are not many more beautiful things in life than sitting on a hot summer day in your backyard, a quavering pop in hand, with a few friends and loved ones. Roast in the heat while a gentle breeze licks the sweat of your skin, your drink slips down your throat. Someone recounts a joke as the burgers turn on the grill, sending a tower of fat pillars into the sky.

And then existential fear comes into play.


Renee Jensen took advantage of the summer in her garden at Harrington Park on Saturday with her boyfriend, Alex, when she spotted something near the side door.

The object seemed to be in the air, headed directly to the yard.

"Is an atypical bird dead in the air or something like that?" She thought, going to see what it was.

Looking at the object, she jumped back.

That was Pennywise the clown. Although it is a caricature version of the murderous clown of "It", but nevertheless of Pennywise. The mouth of the stuffed character was reddened with fake "blood".

"He made an angle and I just looked at this thing, he did not hit a single tree and went straight to us, he just went through the door, the pine branches and the ground" says Jensen, 42, still a little shaken. of the incident.

She only has a neighbor in the vicinity and they were not around when the little Pennywise entered the yard.

So, as we do, Jensen lost every last bit of his shit.

Jensen captured Pennywise and, after a long thought, decided to take the phone and call the report to report to the police the intrusion of helium-filled sacred terror. Whether it was amusement, horror or the fact that the exchanges with Pennywise would have generated a lot of paperwork, the police officers who arrived at the scene refused to do anything with the balloon. Instead, they recommended that Jensen take care of it herself.

She decided to set it on fire.

No dice: many balloons are treated with a fire retardant to make them safe to use around birthday candles and the like. There was writing on the clown's forehead. According to, Jensen thought it sounded "occult". She needed it to go. Jensen tried to burn the ball again. This time, she sprinkled olive oil and left a fire under it. Pennywise has been reduced to ashes. That night, Jensen claims to have slept with the door of his room locked with a knife in his hand.

Even if it is possible that all this has been done for some taste, or some viral advertising for the second computer movie, which will fall in a few weeks, you can not beat the entertainment value of one. madness as high of quality.

Image via Flickr, courtesy of Holley and Chris Melton

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Seamus Bellamy is a full-time tramp who writes about technology, travel and dark, delicious things while crisscrossing the world with his partner and their little one, Boudica.

Go ahead, follow him on Twitter @SeamusBellamy



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