Jamie Foxx defends Sela Vave against her claims after sharing Katie Holmes


Jamie Foxx sets the record straight at the time of his romance with the singer Sela Vave.

On the heels of his split Katie Holmes, the rapper addresses the many rumors surrounding his love life, including a possible relationship with the singer 21 years old.

In a video, which Sela told to his Instagram, the rapper explains that he simply took her under his wing. According to Foxx, he advises the budding musician, as he did for Nick Cannonand Ed Sheeran, who apparently slept on his couch at the very beginning of his career. Jamie says, "I'm not an old n — one here without youth, do you know what I'm saying?"

"It's a double standard for women. When it's guys, everything is fine, but when it's women, they try to do something else, but we will try to protect ours, "he says. "And as I said, I spoke to this girl's mother and she trusted me."

The 51 year old woman adds, "So all the unnecessary hate for the woman just because guys come here [to record at Jamie’s studio]all of a sudden they dig hard, they work hard – but then the girl does it and all of a sudden she has an ulterior motive? Stop this shit. "

Jamie also states that he never "crosses borders like this personally," so any rumors of a relationship between him and Sela are simply a "hunt for scandal."

But it does not seem like Sela lets enemies annoy him. She tells her followers that gossip and insults are nothing to her. "For the people who are worried … here's the REAL story … for everyone, you can continue to talk and call me a whore, m, housebroker, thot, gold digger, that I dies, and what I'm here to work and do what I love most ", shares the Instagram model.

Fortunately for her, she has all Jamie's attention now that he no longer goes out with Katie Holmes. Monday, a source confirmed to E! News that both celebrities ended their six-year relationship in May.

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