New look at the Sony / Disney dispute and what it could be like Disney driving this division – GeekTyrant


The first news of Spider-Man's departure from the MCU was shocking and immediately prompted fans to storm Sony's castle to retrieve their friendly, Spider-Man neighborhood at home. from a seemingly greedy business. But now we have a little more detail that could give more responsibility to Disney.

In a recent Washington Post report, they described the history of the deal between the two companies that have lent Spidey to the MCU over the past four years. Then, when the agreement was about to be renegotiated, the conditions could not be agreed, but this report indicates that money was not the only driver. The reporter spoke to five anonymous producers and studio executives who do not have the skin in this game. They wondered if it would be better to have a single company to control each character and story he touches, or if the properties should be dispersed to give new perspectives and ideas and the people involved.

The consensus was that when Disney did not receive the required conditions, they had to step back and decide whether to fight and keep control under the conditions of someone else or leave . Disney chose to go out and focus on what they controlled, which is a lot! The report says:

"If Disney were to become the giant he aspires to become, it was not enough that the [Spider-Man] film, but to become a full partner. If it was to leave [Kevin] Feige directed the show, he had to make sure to own the house. But Sony did not have that. And so, Disney has been faced with a dilemma: should he let Feige continue to guide the movies despite adverse financial conditions? Should he keep the subject close, not allowing a studio located in a remote corner of his empire to do what he would do with an important property? Or should he go, leaving the remotest corners of his realm to do what they like and live on license fees? Disney chose this one. He unusually opted out of control, believing that the movies were not worth their effort for minimal performance – and playing the movies might not be as successful without them anyway. "

And although Disney did not make a statement, Sony had this to say about the split, and Feige in particular:

We "understand that Disney's many new responsibilities – including all newly added Marvel properties – leave him no time to work on intellectual property. [intellectual property] they do not have. "

But this is a crazy speech because they have done a fantastic job over the last few years. So it's not Marvel that would have a problem. It is Sony who now has a problem that creates something against all odds. I do not think they're going to make a bad movie, I just think they got in a corner, taking Marvel out of their back pocket. But, as the article pointed out, Disney had already struggled to have another studio produce mediocre X-Men movies. Disney has solved this problem by buying this studio. Do you think this could be a future move?


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