Described as a "thrilling thriller", the film is written and directed by Breaking Bad's creator, Vince Gilligan, and produced by Mark Johnson, Melissa Bernstein, Charles Newirth, Diane Mercer and Aaron Paul, in association with Sony Pictures Television.
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Netflix also released a teaser showing Jesse's friend, Skinny Pete, questioned by police about Jesse's whereabouts. Naturally, the former drug racer is not too interested in helping.
"I do not know what to say to you, I have not said it 500 times, I do not know where he is or where he's going, north, south, west, the east, in Mexico, on the moon, have no idea, "says Pete to the cops in the Netflix teaser. "But even if it was the case, I would not tell you, I looked at the information, like everyone else, I saw his little cage in which they have him." kept, I heard all that they did to him so that of course, he continued to cook.So, sorry, I do not know what to tell you, it is out of the question that I help you to put Jesse Pinkman in a cage. "
El Camino: A dreadful movie is being shown on Netflix around the world on October 11th.
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