AT & T workers strike in nine states for unfair labor practices


Anyone looking for AT & T customer service may have to wait a little longer than normal before calling a technician after more than 20,000 Southeast workers go on strike and took to the streets to negotiate a contract.

The Communications Workers Union of America filed an unfair-practice complaint alleging that AT & T was not at the bargaining table and could not make any decision during negotiations to obtaining a new contract.

"Our discussions are deadlocked because it has become apparent that AT & T has not sent negotiators with the power to make decisions so we can move on to a new one." contract, "District 3 Vice President Richard Honeycutt said in a statement.

The union's previous agreement expired earlier this month.

AT & T issued a statement saying they were "confused", the union chose to ask workers to strike.

"A strike would not be in anyone's interest. We are puzzled as to why the union leaders call one when we propose conditions that would help our employees – some of whom earn on average $ 121,000 to $ 134,000 in total compensation – to be even better off. "

The company stated that it was ready for a "work stoppage".

The workers have left various positions, including technicians and customer service representatives, who operate the telecommunications company.

Here are the states where workers are on strike:

  • Alabama
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • North Carolina
  • Caroline from the south
  • Tennessee

The strike began Friday at midnight. The Dallas-based company has a turnover of about $ 170 billion a year.


Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that technological changes will likely allow the company's daily operations to "continue smoothly."



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