Three unrelated TB cases reported to San Ysidro High, two naval vessels


SAN DIEGO (KGTV) – Health officials in San Diego reported three unrelated TB cases, one in a South Bay high school and two others on US Navy ships moored in San Diego.

A case was reported in San Ysidro High School, according to the county. Health and Human Services Agency and Sweetwater Union High School District officials warn potentially exposed people from January 16 to May 31. County staff offers free tests for potentially exposed students. The school district will also provide potentially exposed staff with free tests.

The Navy and HHSSA officials are working to alert potentially exposed contractors who worked on two Navy ships between January 10 and July 18:

  • Employees of Huntington Ingalls Industries having worked on the USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD-6), docked at the San Diego Naval Base from January 10 to June 8.
  • General Dynamics NASSCO employees working on the USS Makin Island (LHD-8) docked at NASSCO from March 23rd to July 18th.

Both ships were not open to the public and the exposure of naval personnel was extremely limited, depending on the county. Entrepreneurs work with occupational health service providers to offer free tests.

"The tests are recommended for all exposed people to make sure that they are not infected because the initial infection usually does not show any symptoms," said Wilma Wooten, health manager. County Public. "For any infected individual, early diagnosis and prompt treatment can prevent the infectious form of the disease."

Tuberculosis is spread from person to person through indoor air during prolonged contact with an infected person. The county says most exposed people are not infected.

Symptoms include persistent cough, fever, night sweats, and unexplained weight loss. Tuberculosis can be treated with antibiotics.

For more information on the cases, call:

  • San Ysidro High School: (619) 710-2354
  • Huntington Ingalls Industries: (858) 522-6163
  • General Dynamics NASCCO: (619) 544-8861
  • Unit 5 Marine Environmental and Preventive Medicine: (619) 556-7070
  • County Tuberculosis Program: (619) 692-8621

San Diego County has seen an annual decline in TB cases since the 1990s and these cases have stabilized in recent years. Last year, San Diego witnessed 226 cases of tuberculosis.


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