"No one has the right to abuse": the AOC criticizes its critics who say that it violates the First Amendment by blocking people on Twitter


  • Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defended her right to block Twitter users who harass her after the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University sent her a letter declaring the action unconstitutional.
  • The institute wrote Wednesday to the MP a letter "in the hope of deterring her" from blocking Twitter users, which constitutes a violation of the First Amendment because her Twitter account @AOC is a "public forum ".
  • Ocasio-Cortez responded to the letter via Twitter on Thursday, saying it was only blocking about 20 accounts out of its 5.2 million subscribers, and only for "permanent harassment".
  • President Donald Trump is another political figure who blocks Twitter users. A federal court confirmed last month the decision that the action was unconstitutional and discriminatory.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defended her right to block Twitter users who harassed her after the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University sent her a letter declaring the action unconstitutional.

The institute on Wednesday wrote a letter to a New York congressman "in the hope of deterring her" from blocking Twitter users, which, according to the organization, violates the First Amendment because his Twitter account @AOC is a "public forum".

"Many of your tweets taking positions on issues such as immigration, the environment and the dismissal have made the headlines," reads the letter. "The @AOC account is important to you as a legislator, to your constituents and to others who are seeking to understand and influence your legislative decisions and priorities."

The letter invited the legislator to "unblock all Twitter users that you or your staff have blocked from the @AOC account because of the views they've expressed", while acknowledging that she may "want to block users for reasons that are both reasonable and constitutional. " legitimate."

"We also recognize that abuse and harassment are important issues on social media, especially for women and minorities, and that such abuse and harassment can deter discourse and political participation that are essential to our democracy," he said. continues the letter.

Ocasio-Cortez said no one had the right to "force others to endure harassment and abuse"

Echoing the latter, Ocasio-Cortez responded to the letter via Twitter stating that out of its 5.2 million followers, it only blocks 20 accounts for "continuous harassment". None of the users are among her constituents, she wrote.

Read more:A US court of appeal upheld a decision that bans Trump from blocking Twitter users on Twitter because of his discrimination and unconstitutionality

"Harassment is not a point of view," wrote Ocasio-Cortez in the tweet. "Some accounts, like the Daily Caller, have published fake nude pics of me and abused my comments to spread them." No one has the right to abuse it. "

"People are free to talk about any classist, racist, false, misogynistic, fanatical comment they would like," continued the Congressman. Twitter feed. "They do not have the right to force others to endure their harassment and abuse."


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram

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(Pt 2) I am proud of the vulnerability. In many ways, I consider vulnerability a blazon. A shield. After all, if we are not afraid to cry, to recognize our mistakes, to fall and rise, to propose a vision so ambitious that it makes laugh myopic … if we are brave enough to be human before we from all over the world, what can our critics really do? What should we be afraid of when we lift our own veil? The answer is nothing. Nothing at all.
I am immensely proud of the women who made this film. It's incredibly raw and explosive – not because we're special, but because we're not. Because if we can do it, you can too.

"What would you do if I sang wrong,
would you like to get up and get out of me? /
Lend me your ears and I will sing you a song /
and I will try not to sing the key. /
Oh, I'm doing with a little help from my friends /
mm, I will try with a little help from my friends
It was one of my father's favorite songs. Before his death, he built a lattice for my mother by hand in our garden. He wanted to put these words on the edges, but never had the opportunity. I've always thought it was a love song, but a song of love for friendship.
#Internationalwomensday, I think about (and I'm grateful for) the fraternity. Love is at the heart of fraternity, as are many meaningful relationships. And for me, loving people does not mean who you're trying to be a rock star. Love is knowing who you are not afraid to let you sing wrong. ?
: @Rashidatlaib + @azizthefrenchie

Happy St. Pat's day parade for everyone from Sunnyside, Queens! ☘️
The St. Pat's Parade for All began as a demonstration for the inclusion of LGBTQ + at the St. Patrick's Day festivities, when people had initially tried to prevent the LGBT community to participate in the parade (unfortunately, some parades in New York are still – which reflects the work that remains to be done. The Queens community was not going to accept it and, 20 years ago, it launched St. Pat 's for All to celebrate the Irish values ​​of hospitality and hospitality. inclusion of all people, no matter who you love or who your position is in life. .
Launched by Brendan Fay City Councilor Danny Dromm +, St. Pat's for All is a fundamental NY14 tradition and takes place just before the St. Patrick's Day parade throughout the city.
: @Josealvarado

YEEERRRRRR? S is broke and honored to be the first guest on @shodesusandmero today! They also visited Washington and gave some housewarming gifts at home – they have just aired – check them out!

Enter #SOTU as
w / @cpdaction

Losar Tashi Delek! Spent this morning with our Tibetan NY-14 community to celebrate the Lunar New Year ✨ This little boy and I played giving us Tibetan white scarves, or Khatas, which are tokens to honor others during holidays or when special occasions. We had so much fun! ?

Behind every strong woman … there are stronger women ? #ittakesavillage
: @Josealvarado

We open doors for others to cross.

If Republicans think women dancing in college are scandalous, wait for them to discover that women are also dancing in Congress! ?

Tonight we celebrated #Chanukah in community with @jfrejnyc and many others. It was an explosion, and Rabbi Mia gave me the honor of helping to light the shamash – the servant candle that lights others. I am so inspired by this idea that each of us can be a shamash for our friends, family and community. Let's take this energy and light at the beginning of the week to come!

"Nobody puts a scarf on my head except me, it's my choice – protection by the first amendment." – @ilhanmn, badass-elect, MN
Ilhan is my friend! ?♀️ I'm so proud of her AND proud to support her as we open the door to reverse the 181-year-old House rule that scarves are not allowed in Congress.
This year, and with Ilhan's leadership, we're going to turn the screenplay around and tell Hijabi girls around the world that they can handle the picture, fight for medicare for everyone, and get a nice haircut scarf if they wish.
To learn more about the journey to change the rules of the house, check out the news of the IG where I refer you to the article @ teenvogue about it.
: @Shutterstock

Today's day. To the countless supporters, door hunters, organizers, small budget donors and all the others – thank you.
This trip was one of the most challenging and rewarding collective efforts I have ever participated in. We did not just launch a campaign: we created a movement in our own backyard. We built the community. We focused on problems that no one wanted to talk about. We raised our neighbors and discovered a level of courage and friendship that we never thought possible.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this trip and followed us to this moment. Whatever happens, it is only a beginning. Let's continue side by side in the advancement of economic, social and racial justice in the United States of America.

We are back on the street and connect with the community for November – come see us at our Queens & Bronx offices to participate!

Possess your power.
For many, it is radical to feel good about yourself and to know that you are more than enough, just like you.
One of my favorite quotes is Martin Luther King, Jr: "Anyone can be great … because everyone can serve. You do not need a college degree to serve. You do not have to make sure that your subject and your verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. "
So take some space. Spoken. Keep the door open and take the others with you. Accept the fact that you will be criticized anyway – it is the price to pay to fight for change and innovation. I consider constructive criticism as a master plan for improvement and a drug for the ego.
In the end, it is the people who transform society, who remain focused on adversity and do the thankless job of change. We can all be part of it if we wish. We can all knock on a door, register our cousin to vote, or inform us about a topic that interests us.
We are all capable of awakening and commitment. And because of that, we can all be great.
: @Gigilaub

Another day, another door

Passing the relay at biaggi4ny for his primary in New York on 9/13! ✨

: "I will vote for you!"
???: "Thank you very much! One day, I will vote for you too.
?: @not_youraveragedumpling

That's what about 5,500 local signatures look like, collected by 141 volunteer witnesses, held by 1 extremely grateful candidate at midnight! ???? #people
Throughout the weekend, very expensive opposition lawyers explored our petitions to find any excuse to withdraw from the ballot.
In the end, our basic 5X effort was too heavy. Last night at midnight, no objection was made to our campaign for Congress.
Ocasio2018 is on the ballot for NY-14, all thanks to YOU. THANK YOU to our supporters, door knockers, petition captains, donors, prayer squads, ALL who helped make this happen, anyway.
It is now time to move up a gear. Join us in the Bronx THIS SAT for our Organizing Rally and Barnstorm. You are all officially invited. So you have no reason to say, "I've never been to the Bronx before!" CLICK NOW: LINK IN BIO.

Speechwriting on the train 6.

2018 has finally arrived. For the next six months, we must work tirelessly on this campaign.
Join us by calling the constituents of the Bronx and Queens this weekend. You can do it from anywhere, or even host a few friends and make a party. RSVP now – bio link. : @Josealvarado

Ocasio2018: Signing invoices and questions from Pre-K

In case you have not heard, I have been nominated to apply! US Congress to be specific. Thank you all for the incredible support provided so far. We will need it for this crazy race to come. A special thank you to Rachel & Robin for giving me the honor of holding my first country baby and making him put a dandelion in my nose #brandnewcongress

Happy St. Pat's day parade for everyone from Sunnyside, Queens! ☘️
The St. Pat's Parade for All began as a demonstration for the inclusion of LGBTQ + at the St. Patrick's Day festivities, when people had initially tried to prevent the LGBT community to participate in the parade (unfortunately, some parades in New York are still – which reflects the work that remains to be done. The Queens community was not going to accept it and, 20 years ago, it launched St. Pat 's for All to celebrate the Irish values ​​of hospitality and hospitality. inclusion of all people, no matter who you love or who your position is in life. .
Launched by Brendan Fay City Councilor Danny Dromm +, St. Pat's for All is a fundamental NY14 tradition and takes place just before the St. Patrick's Day parade throughout the city.
: @Josealvarado



A representative of the Knight First Amendment Institute did not immediately respond to emails from Business Insider.

President Donald Trump, known for blocking Twitter users from his @realDonaldTrump account, is another political figure who has been criticized for the same action. Last month, a federal court confirmed that Trump could not block Twitter accounts, saying the decision was unconstitutional and discriminatory.

"The First Amendment does not allow a public official who uses a social network account for all kinds of official purposes to exclude people from a normally open online dialogue because he has expressed points with which the agent disagrees ", said the US Court of Appeals 2nd Circuit says in the decision.

Ocasio-Cortez was also the subject of two lawsuits last month from plaintiffs who claimed that she had blocked them on Twitter and asked a judge to have them released. Congressional candidate, Joseph Saladino, and former state deputy, Dov Hikind, cited the aforementioned decision of the court of appeal, the AOC and the president being personalities public.


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