Podcast SportsTalk Live: Will Nicholas Castellanos be a long-time Cub?


Nicholas Castellanos could have dropped his bat and rounded the bases after his second homer Friday afternoon.

But it would not be fans of Nicholas Castellanos Cubs who grew up in love last month.

Instead of a stifled reaction, Castellanos shouted in front of the Cubs canoe as a sign of celebration and smashed his racquet on the ground while helping his team to win a 7-1 win over the Brewers:

After the match, Castellanos almost apologized for the stroke of the bat. It's ridiculous to consider that everyone liked the reaction, but that's life in the world of baseball, where unwritten rules are still present.

"Have an idea that he was coming and wanting to do exactly what I did and just watch the boys and get shot," Castellanos said. "I do not really have an explanation, I did not want to do that or anything, it just came out.

"I do not know, that's how I wanted to express myself at that time, I was watching guys and doing what I did."

The teammates and coaches of Castellanos loved it and this certainly allowed the Cubs to take the lift. That earned them a 5-0 lead in the second run after hitting another two-run run in the first run.

That makes him 11 circuits in 27 games with the Cubs. He had only 11 home runs in 100 games with the Tigers to start the 2019 campaign. He also has six of those free throws in the first inning to give his team an immediate spark.

The last time a Cubs player scored 11 homers in August, it was in 2002, when Sammy Sosa managed the feat.

And Castellanos does all this with a contagious enthusiasm that has become the dream of a GIF creator.

"He's playing the game the right way," said Joe Maddon. "The word is joy." He has a joy for the game. I think he just has a joy for the day. You watch him around his child and his girlfriend / wife, they are always optimistic. is always optimistic, I can wait to meet the rest of the family, it's a reality TV show in the making – a lot more productive, it's like that all the time. "

Maddon may be interested in a reality TV show about Castellanos' family, while her brother, Ryan, hit the front page of his newspaper Friday with a funny reaction after confusing Bill Murray with Tom Hanks.

The big match of Castellanos, Friday, was a great comeback for the Cubs in the standings, as they arrived in the afternoon at 1.5 Cardinals match in the division. But it was even more important that the Cubs had just played in New York Thursday night and they were late to play a day in Wrigley Friday. As a result, Maddon has chosen to give a day off to Kris Bryant and Jason Heyward and Anthony Rizzo is still struggling with his back injury. The Cubs have lost three of their best attackers.

When asked if he thought much about giving Castellanos a day off, Maddon shook his head.

"I did not do it," said the Cubs official. "When you talk to him, he's the same guy every day, I do not know whether he's sleeping or not, he's still the same person, he's always energetic, his conversations are always optimistic. is never morose for nothing, I mean, it's just who this guy is, he likes to play and I do not see any tiredness right now. "

After that second race at home, Castellanos jogged to take his place in the right field and the stands at Wrigley Field gave him a standing ovation – to which he responded with a hat tip and a quick salute.

On a personal level, Castellanos enjoys his time in a Cubs uniform as much as fans like him.

"Oh, that's great," he says. "Not just because of me, but just because of my position, my opponents and our position in the standings and what are these two months, that's what is rewarding."


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