Beto Condemns Armed Violence by Throwing F Bomb on Live TV


PResidential candidate Beto O'Rourke insulted Sunday morning live on television his speech on gun violence in the United States.

Appearing on CNN State of the Union, a 46-year-old former Texas congressman played an excerpt from the election campaign where he said the Saturday shootings in West Texas and the gun violence across the country were "angry."

After reading the clip with the word sound, O'Rourke used the same language on CNN, where it was not censored.

"The rhetoric we used (…) did nothing to stop the epidemic of gun violence," O'Rourke said. "Protecting our children, our families and our fellow Americans in public places. At Walmart of El Paso where 22 people were killed. In Sutherland Springs, in a church. One or two a day throughout the country. A hundred killed each day in the United States of America. We average about 300 shots per year. No other country approaches it.

"So, yes, it's good," O'Rourke exclaimed.

"And if we do not call it for what it is, if we can not speak clearly, if we can not act decisively, then we will continue to have that kind of bloodshed in America, "he said. added. "And I can not accept that."

The presidential candidate went on to explain how he wanted universal background checks, red flag laws and a ban on assault weapons.

Five people were killed and 21 wounded in Saturday's shooting. The gunman, identified as a white man in his thirties, was shot dead by the police.


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